Portuguese judge suspended for speaking out against the COVID narrative since the beggining. Orders police to stand down against maskless supporters, criminally charged for it.

(Image: Tiago Petinga, Agência Lusa)

Few people in Portugal have spoken out publicly against the covid narrative or even just question it critically, either because the media and platforms would censor it or because of professional repercutions, losing jobs, etc. There have been some small air times for some news commentator to make a point about the overreaction of the measures but most public figures and politicians either go with the narrative or if they are against it they don't dare speak out publicly.
The media have been describing protesters and people who speak out as "negacionists" since the narrative inception.

A judge decided to go against the tide and speak out publicly on his social media platforms against the covid narrative and also against the coerced vaccinations. He since has been suspended and is suffering backlash from it.

Rui da Fonseca e Castro is a lawyer (registered in Portugal and Brazil) and judge which is now suspended or on a license and suffering disciplinary actions for speaking out against mask mandates and lockdowns since the beggining. There was at least one video/post that was promptly censored but it seems to be related to an acusation of alleged pedophilia politician which he keeps reinforcing with a broader envolvement saying that alot of personalities of our country are involved, from that accusation some media personalities say he might suffer criminal charges.


I have not followed all the info and his videos for the best "report", but he is speaking out since the beggining of the lockdowns and mask mandates and other portuguese matters.
He has been being attacked by the media and other personalities, and also is being served a criminal complaint altough he himself presented one against the President of the Republic and other authority figures.

In the last video on yt he seems to announce a "dead man's switch" with terabytes of information being released if something happens to him which he also says that a physical attack against his person may be imminent as the powers that shouldn't be are trembling.

He once challenged on social media the director of the PSP (police) to a MMA fight.. no joke.

He was part of "Jurists for truth" group in Portugal and has had some public support on the streets. As he just days ago entered a hearing, a crowd of protesters showed up in support and while the intervention police where preparing to take some action, the judge and lawyer steped in even before anything happened and confronted the cops telling them to stand down ! He also added that it was a dishonor to charge at people just for being maskless. (video below)

What a fucking legend ! Wishing you the best in your fights !


Also there are a few censored videos of him debating on Bitchute.

Some related links:







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