[ESP-ENG] El viaje navideño de Copi //Christmas trip of copi


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¡Hola a todos! Espero hayan disfrutado estas navidades junto a sus familiares, me propuse este año volver a la comunidad y retomar mis post, escribir me relaja y leer sus anécdotas, viajes, recetas y tips llenan de satisfacción mis días. Les contaré sobre el primer viaje de copita a su segunda casa.
Hello everyone! I hope you have enjoyed this Christmas with your families, I decided this year to return to the community and resume my posts, writing relaxes me and reading your anecdotes, travels, recipes and tips fill my days with satisfaction. I will tell you about Copita's first trip to her second home.


Era la primera vez que copita viajaba en navidad, en ésta oportunidad pasaríamos fin de año en la casa de mis suegros. Copi ha sido una perrita muy tranquila durante los viajes, con decirles que ha viajado muchísimos km, desde Lara hasta Bolívar. Cuando llegamos a casa estuvo muy ansiosa, por ser un sitio nuevo para ella, estaba atenta y me seguía pensando que nos iríamos enseguida. Poco a poco fue explorando toda la casa y descubriendo nuevos sitios favoritos para sus siestas.

It was the first time that Copi traveled for Christmas, this time we would spend New Year's Eve at my in-laws' house. Copi has been a very calm dog during the trips, she has traveled a lot of kilometers, from Lara to Bolivar. When we arrived home she was very anxious, because it was a new place for her, she was attentive and kept thinking that we would leave right away. Little by little she was exploring the whole house and discovering new favorite places for her naps.



Descubrió su rincón navideño perfecto, debajo del árbol, junto a los Reyes magos y el niño Jesús, aunque de vez en cuando veíamos a Baltazar de cabeza jaja. Otro de sus lugares favoritos era frente a la puerta para detallar a todo el que pasara por allí y pasar horas tomando sol (A copi le encanta el sol, ya que vivimos en un departamento y no suelo bajarla tantas horas, cuando lo hago, lo disfruta muchisimo).

She discovered her perfect Christmas corner, under the tree, next to the Three Wise Men and the baby Jesus, although from time to time we would see Baltazar upside down haha. Another of her favorite places was in front of the door to detail everyone who passed by and spend hours sunbathing (Copi loves the sun, since we live in an apartment and I don't usually take her down for so many hours, when I do, she enjoys it very much).


Llegó el 31 y entre los preparativos y comida copita estaba feliz, obviamente le tocaba su comida perruna navideña para compartir en familia. En cuanto a los fuegos artificiales, nunca ha tenido problemas de ansiedad y es algo que me tranquiliza aunque cuando los escucha les ladra muchisimo, nunca le ha gustado el ruido ni siquiera los aplausos. Por eso a pesar que no se asusta, siempre opto por abrazarla y entrar a la casa con ella hasta que cesan.

The 31st arrived and between the preparations and the food and drinks he was happy, obviously he had his Christmas doggy meal to share with the family. As for the fireworks, he has never had anxiety problems and it is something that calms me down, although when he hears them he barks a lot, he has never liked the noise or even the applause. So even though she doesn't get scared, I always choose to cuddle her and go into the house with her until they stop.

Pasamos una linda navidad y espero que se repita el próximo año, muchas gracias por leer una aventura más de Copita, les manda un besito perruno. Nos leemos pronto.

We had a nice Christmas and I hope it will be repeated next year, thank you very much for reading one more adventure of Copita, she sends you a little doggy kiss. See you soon.

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Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, foto principal editada en Canva.
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Traducido en DeepL.com


Cute pup! Glad she's good about traveling. It's hard if you like to travel but can't leave your pets, otherwise.

A lovely post and a beautiful Christmas tree...

Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and prosperous 2022!

