RE: The Art of Being Inconsistent


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It's as if you are the missing piece to the puzzle... not to sound silly! Your vibe just fits with my #thoughtfuldailypost mindset. Beautiful photos, and also, just as fitting energy behind the words...

Words and using them. It is nice to have a fresh voice, day in, day out. But the charm of elevating this day trumps finding another to take its place. Have you seriously tried to feel autumnal in this season of post-summer warmth? Happy are those that did. My joy still lay in the beauty of the bloom. And she is still beautiful despite her seasonal differences to mine.

I used to get so excited, knowing that Fall was coming; I'd buy my favorite brand of Clove Cigarettes... get my "Dead Can Dance" Cd's out... "Type-o Negative" if I was feeling melancholy. And yes... pumpkin spice'everything!!

Is that even a word? 😆

Thank you for your continued choice to join in... appreciate you, my friend...


!LUV @tipu curate !WINE !giphy Autumn


Thank you for the words, @wesphilbin! They are much kinder than deserved. I love Hive and I love posting. Of course, I wish I had more time to do both of these things, but, as you can see, in the still of the night, when there is nobody still awake, I pull out my words and build a post, stand by stand.

The words sometimes come, but, if they don't, I just put it away and wait for another day. Forcing it just doesn't feel right.

I think it is a wonderful tag and I hope you don't mind if I spam it, although my spam is never more than once a day! :)
