Q. 9.9 "Do we need a Guru or a teacher to grow spiritually?" P. 9.9"¿Necesitamos un Gurú o un maestro para crecer espiritualmente?"



From the moment we have been conceived, life becomes interesting, more than anything for our parents, once we are born, we start the race of survival, because life is a lottery, a constant coming and going, an up and down. short; as we advance in age, we experience experiences that nourish our souls, but we also go through moments that leave us with bitter marks, childhood is the best stage for any person if we live it correctly; but it is frustrating and sad when this does not happen; I personally believe that not only those who are born in a functional home can have a happy childhood, I have seen dysfunctional families where peace, harmony and love surpass all experiences. The spiritual part during our growth is very important, sometimes we grow up in homes where religious education is part of living, we learn that there is a God and that we depend on him to survive. The interesting thing about all this is that as we get older, we realize so many things that, in reality, the spiritual growth of each one of us does not depend on religious formation or on any religion that is proclaimed; that we do not need someone in particular to achieve spiritual growth, because not everything depends on someone else, everything will depend on ourselves, on the determination that we have as beings to want to achieve that total peace that we long for so much to feel full and happy. Sometimes a simple book, an image, an experience, can also give us that little push to go in search of personal balance.
Desde el momento que hemos sido concebidos, la vida se vuelve interesante, mas que todo para nuestros padres, una vez que hemos nacido, comenzamos la carrera de la supervivencia, pues la vida es una lotería, un constante ir y venir, un sube y baja; a medida que vamos avanzando en edad, experimentamos vivencias que van nutriendo nuestras almas, pero también pasamos por momentos que nos dejan amargas huellas, la niñez es la mejor etapa para cualquier persona si la vivimos de manera correcta; pero es frustrante y triste cuando esto no sucede; personalmente creo que no solo el que nace en un hogar funcional puede tener una infancia feliz, he visto familias disfuncionales donde la paz, la armonía y el amor sobrepasa toda vivencia. La parte espiritual durante nuestro crecimiento es muy importante, a veces crecemos en hogares donde la formación religiosa es parte del vivir vivir, aprendemos que existe un Dios y que dependemos de el para subsistir. Lo interesante de todo esto, es que a medida que avanzamos en edad, nos damos cuenta de tantas cosas, que en realidad el crecimiento espiritual de cada uno de nosotros, no depende de la formación religiosa o de cualquier religión que se pregone; que no necesitamos de alguien en específico para alcanzar el crecimiento espiritual, porque no todo depende de alguien más, todo va depender de nosotros mismos, de la determinación que tengamos como seres de querer alcanzar esa paz total que tanto anhelamos para sentirnos plenos y felices. A veces un simple libro, una imagen, una vivencia, también puede darnos ese empujoncito para ir en busca del equilibrio personal.


When a guru or teacher is referred to, I associate the figure of my mother in that role, simply because she was my adviser, who helped shape my values, sharing knowledge without having achieved a university degree, she was an example of life, a source of inspiration for me; but the truth is that even so I feel that I have not fully reached that spirituality to feel completely free.
Cuando se hace referencia a un gurú o maestro, asocio la figura de mi madre en ese papel, simplemente por el hecho de que ella fue mi consejera, que ayudó a moldear mis valores, compartiendo conocimientos sin haber logrado una carrera universitaria, fue un ejemplo de vida , una fuente de inspiración para mi; pero la verdad es que aún así siento que no he alcanzado completamente esa espiritualidad como para sentirme completamente libre.


When I left my mother's home, to make my life and build my own, I treasured everything I learned and experienced alongside my parents; I have tried to lead a quiet life always respectful of others, caring for and loving everything I have, being free and believing that God is the one who guides us and gives us the discernment to lead a spiritual life according to our actions and experiences. To conclude I think that we are what we believe, that no one is more spiritual than another, we simply try to lead a quiet life, always seeking to do the right thing to be rewarded with the wonderful things that God has to give us; that just as at one time our parents were those spiritual teachers, now we are for our children, that we must instruct and teach with love, by example so that they feel free, with the confidence of being able to make wise and good decisions in life, in harmony with their being, so that they have a free spirit that makes them achieve the happiness that their hearts yearn for.
Cuando deje mi hogar materno, para hacer mi vida y construir el mío propio, atesore muchísimo todo lo que aprendí y experimente al lado de mis padres; he tratado de llevar una vida tranquila siempre respetuosa de los demás, cuidando y amando todo lo que tengo, siendo libre y creyente que Dios es quien nos guía y nos da el discernimiento para llevar una vida espiritual conforme a nuestros actos y vivencias. Para concluir pienso que somos lo que creemos, que nadie es mas espiritual que otro, simplemente tratamos de llevar una vida tranquila, buscando siempre hacer lo correcto para ser retribuidos que las maravillosas cosas que Dios tiene para darnos; que así como en un momento nuestros padres fueron esos maestros espirituales, nosotros ahora lo somos para nuestros hijos, que debemos instruir y enseñar con amor, con el ejemplo para que ellos se sientan libres, con la confianza de poder tomar sabias y buenas decisiones en la vida, en armonía con su ser, para que tengan un espíritu libre que los haga alcanzar la felicidad que anhelan sus corazones.


"True spiritual growth begins when you realize that despite the good or bad, in the end you discover that you live fully, loving and loving yourself unconditionally; that is the absolute truth that we all must believe"

"El verdadero crecimiento espiritual, comienza cuando te das cuenta que a pesar de lo bueno o malo, al final descubres que vives a plenitud, amando y amándote incondicionalmente; esa es la verdad absoluta que todos debemos creer"



I like your take on teaching whatever source it comes from. Yes, your parents are always your first teachers which provide you a basic knowledge about everything including spirituality.


Hi, thanks for stopping by; If the truth is that in principle everything that we essentially begin to develop as a being begins there, at home next to those who taught you values, I hope you have a happy weekend, hugs!


I enjoy the fact that you identify your mom as your guru, that’s nice, and I think it’s true for most of us as well. Living a life aimed at being a good person is also admirable and, of course, if we all followed this path the world would be a much better place for everyone. Thank you for your thoughtful post.



Hello, nice to greet you and thank you very much for reading me; Those of us who do not admire our mother, I think that in principle, we always look for support in them, and it is gratifying to see how with their example they guide and form us, making our character that person that in the future we can face in life. any obstacle that arises; we always read or hear that the best school is home, and if it is true, as long as we are sure where we are going, knowing that every decision or act has positive and negative consequences, that it is not only having excellent teachers at home , is that as long as I grew as an integral being to be able to do the right thing, it is complex and difficult at the same time to be able to achieve that spiritual balance, if we have not determined the path that we want to travel in life. I send you lots of hugs and thanks again for stopping by. SHALOM!


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Waw that's one interesting reply. I agree with you entirely the fact that our parents are always our first teacher. In which case you mentioned your mother. Very good 🤗
I loved it


Thank you, if she was without a doubt my best guru, I owe her a lot, especially her friendship, it was so beautiful that at times I stopped being a mother, to be a friend, which is not easy, because now I have a 17-year-old daughter who demands that , but thanks to that wise part of my mother, I can handle it; in addition to many other qualities and virtues, it was always good to have her in my life, six years have passed since her departure, but I have remained with the fortune of her principles, values ​​and friendship. Hugs and blessings to you and your family.


Its crazy how people have several opinions but still makes a point. You're absolutely right. Nice write up


Hello, absolutely all of us have that free will, to decide to reach that point, thanks for stopping by, greetings and success to you.


Wonderful post... I enjoyed reading it. Yes, we can grow by ourselves if we are focused and committed to it because when we are able to discern the good and bad things in life, I don't think there is more to learn again because when we have lived a life in the right path, we will surely be happy.

Also, when we follow what our parents have taught us, there wouldn't be any problem along the way.


Thank you, I love that, it's good to know that not only I think that way, a hug!
