RE: Ukraine on Fire


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Few of us have any understanding of the depth and breadth of the deprecation of our actual freedom. It is jarring to conceive of Ford's sense of deprivation of his liberty given how much of the liberty he enjoyed we have lost. As a schoolboy I was accustomed to hunt after school, and taking my hunting rifle to school on the bus and keeping it in my locker so that I could hunt home through the woods after classes.

Today doing that would be impossible, and anyone that tried would be considered to have committed a terrorist act.

We think that nations didn't exist prior to the rise of the state, that there were no borders, but the lands of the Earth have been continually occupied by tribes and nations of peoples for hundreds of thousands of years. There were not institutions, corporations, or states to possess and wield power over people. People themselves wielded their authority. There were no states, but nations were ruled by the people themselves. Despite that we each retained our rights and authority we were not completely free, but we were unimaginably more free than we are today, ruled by inhuman, inhumane, undying, unborn institutions.



When I was 12 we rode our bicycles to Uncles land to hunt. We did carry our shotguns on our bicycles as we rode. I also was chased by police when I rode my dirt bike in the same town. SO EVEN WHEN I WAS A BOY THEY WERE CLAMPING DOWN ON OUR RIGHTS AND I KNEW IT.
I have resisted since then. At times when I learned more resisted more.
Now after reading half of Fords writings, I have realized I have been a fool my entire life.
I read that even the word freedom is just a conscript of the tribe. Another tool to fool the stupid trusting hopeful goy.
Oy Vey right?


I too am all verklempt in my gonnectigazoink. I look forward to that happy day when we can fellowship in unencumbered joy. Evil is it's own reward.

So is good.


I dream about no conflict too.


"It should be noted that people with evil instincts are more numerous than those
with good ones; therefore, the best results in governing them are attained by
intimidation and violence, and not by academic argument. Every man aims for
power; everyone desires to be a dictator, if possible; moreover, few would not
sacrifice the good of others to attain their own ends."
"People in masses and people of the masses are guided by exceptionally shallow
passions, beliefs, customs, traditions and sentimental theories and are inclined
toward party divisions, a fact which prevents any form of agreement, even when
this is founded on a thoroughly logical basis. Every decision of the mob depends
upon an accidental or prearranged majority, which, owing to its ignorance of the
mysteries of political secrets, gives expression to absurd decisions that introduce
anarchy into government."
"In working out an expedient plan of action, it is necessary to take into
consideration the meanness, the vacillation, the changeability of the crowd * * *
It is necessary to realize that the force of the masses is blind, unreasoning and
unintelligent, prone to listen now to the right, and now to the left * * *"
"Our triumph has also been made easier because, in our relations with the people
necessary to us, we have always played upon the most sensitive strings of the
human mind -- on calculation, greed, and the insatiable material desires of men.
Each of these human weaknesses, taken separately, is capable of paralyzing
initiative and placing the will of the people at the disposal of the purchaser of their


It is fairly obvious that the writer is projecting their own psychology and attributes on everyone. This is quite typical of psychopaths, IMHO.



I have been studying this subject since 1995. I first learned of it in 1995. I have drifted to many streams, but it seem to lead all to the same place. Even the Bible taught me that Israel was the Beast and that Jerusalem was the whore. Why I was so disconnected from my own reality is just shocking to me.

The story constantly changes but the outcome is always the same.


It is amazing - even terrifying - when we discover just how far we can be led astray.


"Political freedom is an idea, not a fact. It is necessary to know how to apply this
idea when there is need of a clever bait to gain the support of the people for one's
party, if such a party has undertaken to defeat another party already in power. This
task is made easier if the opponent has himself been infected by principles of
freedom or so-called liberalism, and for the sake of the idea will yield some of his
own power."


"To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the
expression from various sides of so many conflicting opinions that the Gentiles will
lose themselves in the labyrinth and come to understand that it is best to have no
opinion on political questions, which it is not given to society at large to
understand but only to the ruler who directs society. This is the first secret.
"The second secret consists in so increasing and intensifying the shortcomings of
the people in their habits, passions and mode of living that no one will be able to
collect himself in the chaos, and, consequently, people will lose all their mutual
understanding. This measure will serve us also in breeding disagreement in all
parties, in disintegrating all those collective forces which are still unwilling to
submit to us and in discouraging all personal initiative which can in any way
interfere with our undertaking."


It is more and more clear to me that fascism and elitism is pathological. My daily labors for my neighbors reveal that, while people are almost ubiquitously susceptible to deception, it is not because they are evil and greedy, but naive and trusting. They are not naive and trusting because they are acquisitive and larcenous. They are gullible because they project their own goodness on others.

Eventually the survivors of the ongoing depredations will prevail, and that essential goodness will supplant pathology. The day comes when our posterity will live in peace and prosperity, in perpetuity.



I'm just going to focus on working with my hands till I am done.


There were many times I lamented buying a home that was twice flooded in two years, but what I learned from it blesses me daily now, and I am glad to work with my hands instead of working for the state as a biologist, or other technical work.
