Interesting Facts That Affect our Present Circumstances


IMG source - /pol/ - the most interesting least trustworthy source there is

I have long seen that decentralization of means of production, while yet infantile and significantly undeveloped, is certain to progress to transcendent alterations of human society. When individuals possess nominal AI controlling automated means of production of not just commodities and basic goods, but those enabling quality of life that has heretofore been inconceivable, freedom and prosperity will enable society to bless us all to a degree unimaginable.

Since the imposition of political power deep in prehistory, institutions parasitizing society have increasingly centralized power and prevented individuals from escaping that parasitization with armed force. The agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and the information revolution have all increased their power, and today the dichotomy between the most powerful and the least is greater than it ever has been in history.

Yet physics is mandating decentralization as the cutting edge of technological advance, and the rate of technological advance exponentially increases as technology becomes more advanced and more people advance it. In thirty years technology will be a billion times more advanced than it is today, in fifty years a quadrillion, and all of that advance will proceed from the present transition to decentralization ongoing.

IMG source -

Tens of thousands of years of political power over society and the concentration of that power in an elite will end. Individuals will have become competent to effect their ends at their sole option, and that will include the utter security from armed force that has heretofore prevented sovereignty.

Today we see skulduggery and nefarious actors afoot, indoctrination and propaganda inculcating the inability to deploy such tech. Is programming so hard that only geniuses can do it? No. Yet it is not part of Common Core. Children are trained to be of service to overlords, not competent sovereigns. Psychological manipulation is the best means of enforcing centralized power today, as security is increasingly potential to individuals and communities that precludes the power of armed force. CRISPR, aquaponics, cryptocurrency, mesh networks, none of these technologies pertain only to geniuses, and less so as AI reduces the educational cost to deploy them.

Overlords cannot long continue to bamboozle us to serve them when decentralization is enabling us to serve ourselves. They want to keep their power. They will do anything to keep it. Agenda 2030 is a plan to do that, and pandemic is a mechanism potentially useful in achieving that agenda.

IMG source - HPlusMagazine

But Draco exists. It's lawful inventor has been prevented from development because actually curing viral diseases will decimate the power of the pharmaceutical industry and make vaccines obsolete. The pharmaceutical industry is desperately trying to make their ability to inject whatever they want into our bodies mandatory, and from RFID to genetic alteration, that mandatory power could be able to render humanity incapable of being anything but possessions of overlords.

The environmental poisons, flouride in our water, and endocrine disrupting chemicals castrating men, we are subjected to by the agricultural industry, the psychological manipulation, and physical dependence on drugs we are increasingly affected by, are all desperate attempts to keep us enthralled to their power.

IMG source -

Do billionaires need federal funding to develop Draco? Do they have it already? If they do they are immune to the pandemic virus - all viruses - we are being killed by today. How better to effect the murderous Agenda 2030 than releasing a plague select investors with the resources requisite to developing Draco themselves are immune to, while simply neglecting to fund it's development for everyone else. What incentive is there to fund that development? Overlords will not benefit from our immunity to plague. Pharmaceutical companies will lose any chance of making vaccination mandatory, and totalitarian police states will too, not to mention all the $ billions the many treatments and vaccines make them in profits.

A cure for SARS-2-CoV is potential. Pharmaceutical companies, corrupt governments, and billionaire overlords do not want us to have it, and would rather see us die by the billion than get it. Why do they research gain of function in horribly pathogenic viruses instead of Draco with the $billions of funding spent on BSL-4 labs around the world?

Fuck them. Let's get it. Let's crowdfund it's trials until we can get a cure for all viral disease. Spread this appeal to all and sundry. The rapid spread of the present pandemic makes this a time limited offer, and millions of live are presently in jeopardy due to the lack of Draco today. We hold ourselves the possibility to end this pandemic and only our ignorance that it exists has caused us to be vulnerable to the destruction of society and humanity itself overlords intend.

Tell everyone. Draco could cure this plague, and all it needs is funding of the trials necessary to prove it works. I know of one investor, at least, intent on advancing decentralization and the prosperity it brings society. I wonder which true philanthropist could step up to this plate and free humanity from the scourge of plague first? @elonmusk? @berniesanders? @justinsunsteemit? Do they know about Draco?

Ask them.

@justinsunsteemit, Draco could be your most profitable investment ever, and the most beneficial to humanity possible. How grateful do you think humanity will be if you make this happen?

Work your magic.


They were warned a year before, but chose to ignore it. This proves that micro organisms are more powerful than the chinese communist party.


No one is "preventing" potential medications or interventions from being developed. Many promising discoveries are just not beneficial enough for the society as a whole to justify allocation of funds for development, or if developed, justify expending public resources for treatment. Whenever the whims of the ignorant mob is not sated, whether be it healthcare, addictive substances, social regulation, the over-emotional whine about global, evil conspiracy of reptilian aliens.

Without the sociopolitical stability provided by the "parasitic" 'gubermint, men will not be living in prosperity to investigate technical and scientific knowledge. Without the so-called "overlords," man would not even be literate, as the preservation of written record and propagation of literacy was sponsored by kings and emperors throughout history. Without religious institutions and legal bureaucracy, social norms and morals would not have been ingrained in the ignorant rabble for civilised society to function. The current luxuries that we enjoy have been sown by our betters in the past. Rather than feeling gratitude for our borrowed lives, you incite ingratitude and arrogance.


"Without the sociopolitical stability provided by the "parasitic" 'gubermint, men will not be living in prosperity to investigate technical and scientific knowledge."

As usual, you have cause and effect reversed. It is the prosperity of free men that enable overlords to destabilize society with force and parasitize them - because that prosperity and freedom are yet too undeveloped and immature. This will end, and end the imposition of force on society.

"Many promising discoveries are just not beneficial enough for the society as a whole to justify allocation of funds for development, or if developed, justify expending public resources for treatment."

Do you even understand the words you use? Draco cures all viral disease, including this pandemic that is going to end China as a country. The threat of curing the diseases pharmaceutical companies profit from has prevented funding the development of this cure, and instead those funds are developing ever more lethal and cruel diseases in places like the Wuhan Institute of Virology to make death merchants more profitable. Not even the Chinese, who have suffered three millenia of savage barbarian oppression will fail to successfully remove the brutal incompetence of the CCP and Xi Jinping.

He will be dictator for life, but his life will end at the hands of his surviving victims sooner than later. The untold millions he has personally caused to suffer and die all have surviving family that will not forget how his greed and lust for power killed their beloved fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and children.


It is the prosperity of free men that enable overlords to destabilize society with force and parasitize them

What nonsense! As if the ill-educated, over-emotional, incompetent rabble have the requisite skills to organise, create, or build anything. Much like a collection of bricks, wooden beams, and nails do not constitute a house, so too a mere collection of undisciplined and unwashed "fwee" men constitute a society. As the construction of a house requires an architect, so too the establishment of a society requires a ruler. To think otherwise is to believe that matter sprang-forth from the void spontaneously and unbidden.

Draco cure all diseases? What is this, the fountain of youth or the philosopher's stone? It is a nonsensical claim, rightfully ignored by all the reputable authorities in the world. This epidemic requires real and practical solutions, not fantasies of quacks.

The threat of curing the diseases pharmaceutical companies profit from has prevented funding the development of this cure, and instead those funds are developing ever more lethal and cruel diseases in places like the Wuhan Institute of Virology to make death merchants more profitable.

This is Alex Jones type rambling that bear no relation to reality. What privileged information do you possess, that is not of avail to the regulatory, investigative, and enforcement agencies of the world, to claim such accusation? Just because some paranoid schizophrenic posted something on the internet makes his delusions true.

Xi Jinping has "personally" caused "untold millions to suffer and die"? Even if he began chopping off heads every minute, 24 hours a day, 7-days a week, it would have taken 2-years to kill 1 million people. I am sure the leader of 1 billion souls has his time occupied with ruling, rather than satiating his blood-lust. Men need to be governed; that the degenerate West has forgotten this basic fact of life does not mean that for the rest of the human race, judgment has fled to brutish beasts and men have lost all reason.


"...the construction of a house requires an architect..."

No, it doesn't. I do such work all the time, and do not require architectual guidance to satisfactorily build structures. All the construction of a house requires is the knowledge, will, opportunity, and materials. When provided those, I can build a house.

"Draco cure all diseases?"

No, it kills cells that have virii replicating in them, curing viral all viral infections. Many diseases are not caused by virii. Draco will not cure them.

"This is Alex Jones type rambling that bear no relation to reality."

That's false.

"Even if he began chopping off heads every minute, 24 hours a day, 7-days a week, it would have taken 2-years to kill 1 million people."

He has vast hordes of minions that carry out his murderous orders, and they are far more effective than an axe in his hands. His orders have already killed millions, and his brutal hold on power is what has caused the censorship and savagery of the quarantines that have been imposed on his hapless subjects that has caused so much death and suffering.

We will likely never know the death toll of SARS-2-CoV in China, because it is being concealed by every means known to the Chinese government, and lies published instead.

"Men need to be governed..."

No, they don't. I am free, and you cannot govern me.


More humanist drivel, proclaiming non-existent "rights," to those with the authority to end your very existence. None of your complaints against the CCP matter in the slightest, as all sane authority on this planet - from the Vatican to the UN - understand their lack of power to affect any changes. By what authority or legitimacy do you accuse your betters? The law of nature, by which you claim to live, is merely this: the strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.


I rule myself by virtue of my absolute authority availed me by my personal possession of myself. Who is 'my better' at that?

Who has authority to end my existence? Thugs armed with state supplied weapons and badges? I have faced them already, and continue to defy their vapid, baseless claims over me.

As I have just established unequivocally, I alone am me, and I alone have authority to undertake being me. There is no authority over me.

You mention competitors for parasitic power over free men. The fact is their claims of strength to rule me are without merit. I demonstrably possess the sole authority and capability to will me to action.

It is they who are weak, and I who strongly, immovably possess all ability to rule me.

They can fuck right off.

Your sophistries are naught but exuses for incompetence. When you speak factually regarding sovereignty, the genius of individuals that innovate and invent new means of advancing the blessings of civilization, and which inevitably reduce the parasitic ability of vampires to drain free men of their wealth, substance, and their very life's blood, then you will acknowledge the truth: all men are born, live, and die free, alone the masters of themselves, no matter the vain and violent abuses employed to convince them to serve noxious and malevolent vermin.

In the fullness of time, no verbal gymnastics will be able to obscure this reality, and it can only be free men that leave Earth, to export life in all it's glorious diversity to wherever they shall go.

No thugs can follow them. No compulsion can be brought to bear on them.



The fact that a project such as the "Open Insulin Project" exists today is outrageous. The thing should be free and not patented even after more than 80 years of its creation.

When inventor Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1923, he refused to put his name on the patent. He felt it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives. Banting’s co-inventors, James Collip and Charles Best, sold the insulin patent to the University of Toronto for a mere $1. They wanted everyone who needed their medication to be able to afford it.

Today, Banting and his colleagues would be spinning in their graves: Their drug, which many of the 30 million Americans with diabetes rely on, has become the poster child for pharmaceutical price gouging.

How they do it! probably by using the same scheme they use with any bad psychotropics that already killed many people (suicide ...), and need to stop selling them after making billions. Slightly changing the formula and rebranding, then repeat for infinite gain.

I recently watched the movie "Black Water" (DuPont / Teflon Case) and I thought that this can't really happen, that the movie is just a work of fiction. After investigating and reading extensively on the subject online I was as amazed and disgusted. I always know that greed can push people to the darkest abysses that one can imagine, but humans always surprise me by going even lower. The idea that a company was doing things that they know would kill/harm people is unbelievable ... but the funny part is: they're still around and no one is in jail because of it.

All things apart, having a government imposing restrictions on doing research is a delicate thing. It's just hard to just open the gate even though I know that science can't advance if we can't go to unknown places (because of ethics, religion, ....). Good examples would be the cases of steem cell research, cloning, and Human-Animal chimera studies. But the problem is, as with most bureaucratic systems, there is no guarantee that the government will operate/act in good faith for the interest of its population. I learned from history that enough lobbying and money can break the unbreakable.


I didn't search terribly long but the little time that I did spend last night, I couldn't find anything to indicate why the research on DRACOs was halted (lost funding). It seems that every bit of info published about the tech is positive and promising. I'm surprised I've never heard of it until now honestly. Seems like a breakthrough. As another commenter here mentioned, I know that it's conceivably more profitable long term to keep people sick while treatment is administered over time, but there would be huge profit potential for first-mover advantage on such a tech that would completely destroy all of the competition (viral vaccine and drug developers and manufacturers). If I were of the means I wouldn't hesitate to invest in this given what I know about it now. Is there any data that you've seen that would show that it's somehow dangerous or ineffective? Even Dr. Rider Himself seems to have gone quiet about it. Actually, I just went onto the site using my PC browser and he has a whole thing about his ongoing research there. Seriously though, why aren't we doing pink-ribbon-level funding campaigns for this tech and giving it to Dr. Rider's team? What gives?


"...why aren't we doing pink-ribbon-level funding campaigns for this tech and giving it to Dr. Rider's team?"

I reckon you were previously unaware of it, and that it needs funding. I expect that the pharmaceutical companies that are not funding it, rather than seeing a first mover opportunity, see that curing all viruses disrupts their business models and use their influence on media companies to limit exposure of Draco to those articles that discourage folks from funding it. I have no means of funding it, as I have no bank accounts, and they're not taking Steem or any of my Steem Engine tokens.


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