RE: When was the last time you checked your witness votes? Was it the Steem/Hive hard fork? Or Never?


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I wrote up a comment a day or two ago, the gist of my comment was now that everything is being suppressed on social media more and more and we see countries making laws agaagainst free speech we have to re evaluate who we think should represent this chain.

Downvotes in my view should only be used for spam/plagirizers/content theft/posts that are porn or graphic not marked with a NSFW/and people who are directly abusing others or calling for direct harm.

Disagreements on rewards or downvoting something you dont like shouldnt have a place on here and shouldn't be tolerated. This chain is over 5 years old and it's time we really look at the message we are sending to the outside world when they see how this chain runs. If people see a bunch of content that looks like Instagram spam and twitter circle jerking earning 200 to 500 usd, but political posts are zeroed out, then what does that say about this place? It isnt a place for inclusiveness is what it says.

Social media across the board has given their algorithms an update to funnel views directly to Fox CNN MSNBC ABC in the USA, and in other countries youtube's similarly giving huge corporations all of the views. We cant afford to lose anymore views and it has to be talked about. Our YouTube channel used to get hundreds of views per video and now it's like 10 to 20. Many big alternative news YouTubers and social media lost over 90 percent of incoming recommended views because youthbe and Facebook and google change algorithms to give to corporate press. The corporate press lies us into wars and causes great damage to humans.

2022 and forward is only going to get worse in terms of suppression of content. We on Hive have votes though based on stake power.

Choose whose side you are on, a few millionaires who are in the top 20 who will cuss you out and downvote you if you disagree, or people who will not suppress your content and actually champion your rights to be seen and heard.

I'm not really involved in this whole thing, but I want to leave this comment here with my thoughts. I want a blockchain I can point at and say there isnt ideological suppression happening here, not one controlled by a few millionaires who decide if you get to earn or not.
