RE: The Future of Gaming and NFT’s


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Hey Steve. Long time no speak. How are you.
Completely agree on the worth, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Money is only a piece of paper or plastic, but it has value because we have all agreed it does.

You can imporant a machine gun into a swordplay game, but then it would likely represent a sword in that game. Because the NFT is an authenticated digital ID, that ID can be interpreted differently in every game.

If the game is shutdown, you still have the NFT, and that NFT will have historical value and scarcity.


Sorry I didn't respond to this before. Good to see you on Hive.

Money is likely to retain value due to wide usage. NFTs are still a tiny niche, but games may make them more mainstream. Most people have little idea what they are and stories of massive energy usage will put them off. Of course those on Hive do not have that issue. I own lots via the games plus some artworks I've bought. They are a bit like 'collectors editions' you see everywhere as it is artificial scarcity. An interesting business model and I'm happy to see some artists doing well from it as it can be tough for them to earn generally.

Hope things are good with you. I'll check out your post soon.

