Unlocking Your Potential || The Secret to Attracting Investments and Achieving Dreams


Most of the time, we always have this idea, this plan, or this goal that we want to achieve but are limited in resources, or we feel we don't have sufficient resources and need the help of others before this dream can be fulfilled. This may in turn be the cause of your forgoing the dream and the set plan because you think your resources are not enough to make the dream happen.

So Here is the Secret

Start with what you have!!!!

There is no way to make people invest in you if you don't begin investing in yourself. There is no way people would want to throw money at something if they don't see a spark or willpower. When you start something and people begin to see the potential you have, they will be forced from their hearts to invest in what you do.

Don't let resources be limit your greatness

You might not have the best of resources, but you have the mind, the initiative, and the improvisation to take whatever you have to the next level, no matter how little it is. Sometimes, you just need to bring others to see that they can invest in you.

This brings me to the story of the Wright brothers. Every time I think of them, they serve as an inspiration in my life, and I believe they can too. These brothers were the first to successfully create a powered aeroplane, and they did it without funding or investment from anybody or the government. And during that same period, the government had invested so much on someone else to build the same project.

As you can see,

It is not by the funding, but by your Initiative to improvise

You can have whatever you want and build whatever dream you want, but only if you have the willpower to do it. Only if it is something that goes through your mind 24/7. If it doesn't bother you, then you will feel comfortable, and then you will lack the will to see other aspects of improvisation.

Look at Thomas Edison, who failed a thousand times over the invention of the bulb. For someone to fail so much without giving up and keep on trying different means to invent something he had dreamt and imagined of, then it was something that went through his mind every moment.

If you fail to keep meditating on how to achieve your goal, how to invest in yourself, and how to achieve your dreams, you will fail to take action, and your potential will not be reviewed by potential investors.

One more thing before I close up: make sure you are a person of value. You provide value to the people around you and are not only looking for your own benefit. The value you give out attracts people and potential investors as well.

This is the secret of attracting people to invest in you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I agree with you, even without having a lot of money ppl can start a project with knowledge and desire, just like Hive there is not much that you need to start and make it out rather than been active and a lot 😅


Yeah this is one thing I use to like about Hive. Hive you don't need to acquire much before you can make a lot from here. Hive actually pushes you to be the best version of yourself. Thank you very much for this addition friend!


This morning money motivation is loaded oo 😂, overdose motivation for me.. thanks for reminding me of Thomas Edison. That man's resilience is worthy of emulation.


Smiles.. I woke up to that ginder.. I was telling myself that I need a particular item before I can do this but at the same time, I had to tell myself that the little resource I have is just enough to get me anything I want and that I should not let my progress to be tied towards getting something. I should learn to improvise.


Some people usually feel they don’t have enough money until they spend everything they’ve got
It is better to start with the resources that are available and you continue to grow gradually


Some people usually feel they don’t have enough money until they spend everything they’ve got

I do not fully understand this statement.

But yeah at the same time, it is better to start with the resources available and then you continue to grow gradually.


Saludos me gustó mucho este contenido. Me identifico porque muchas veces he empezado solo con lo que tenia y puedo asegurar que ha sido la mejor decisión. Me gusta pensar que todo se puede lograr un paso a la vez.
