Several pictures of a turtle


Greetings everyone to the friends in this nest. Today I am back here to entertain the friends who are here. I hope we are fine, of course for the friends who are always active here.

Let me tell you a little about the time I was traveling to one of the areas. Coincidentally, the area I was passing through was surrounded by rice fields and when I arrived at the rice fields, I stopped for a while to look at the rice. Coincidentally, I also had a map of the rice fields there. When I was going around the rice fields, I saw a turtle. The turtle was walking between my rice trees and I took the turtle to move it to the rice plant so it wouldn't eat the rice I had.

Because this turtle is now a rare animal and is protected by the government, that's why I didn't let him there and I moved to another place so he could freely play in a large area and this turtle was the only one I got at the time. to the rice fields, that's my post.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you are interested in some of the turtle pictures that I have presented above and see you again in the next post
