The Struggle


The government has always been against little kids hawking in the street when their mates are in school studying. They’ve even threatened to arrest the parents of this kids if they caught any kid hawking but the country is hard and everyday people try to look for new ways to survive in it. And that is why people send their kids to go hawk in the street instead of being in school.


A friend of mine was in search of a job and had requested that I followed her to this hotel where she wanted to go submit her application letter, I agreed and we both went.

On our way back, we were in a commercial vehicle when we saw a hawker, a little kid whose product was all over the floor. One look at him and I instantly felt sorry for him because I knew he must have mistakenly poured his buns (a small roll of dough) on the floor and seeing how he can’t pick it up and sell it again, he probably would be in a lot of trouble when he gets home.

We were all feeling sorry for the boy when the driver dropped a bombshell. According to the driver, some of this kids who hawk purposely throw their products on the floor and then stand beside it until a passerby finally decides to help them out and pay for everything out of pity.

That was my first time of hearing of a business strategy like that and I had just one thought in mind, that that was the most stupid thing anyone could ever do. “What happens if no one decides to help you out?”

But the kid must have been in luck because as we drove past him, I saw a white car pull over and the driver motioned towards him to come to him. The man was obviously going to give him money, thinking he was helping the poor boy out not knowing that he just got played by a thirteen year old.

Like I said, the country is hard and even thirteen year olds know that and would do anything to make sure they sell out whatever it is they’re selling.


The struggle is spreading all over the world 🌍
In our country we are facing this king of struggle everyday...
Thanks for sharing your experience with us...


That sanction that the government gave, I was fully in support of it how will a kid who is supposed to be in school be on the road selling things that is too bad. And all thanks to Governor fashola he was a good governor, he had our best interest in he's heart even when he was trying to do the roads he got a lot of curse from people because some peoples house and shop will be cut off. But the truth is he achieved all even the hawking of stuffs on the road. And that trick which those children use am just hearing for the first time wow, well the struggle in the country is real, sometimes sending our kids to hawk is not the best option.
