Money or freedom?


Money or freedom, that is one question I find myself asking myself recently, a question that surprisingly has shown me that maybe, just maybe, money isn't everything.

Photo by Akinori UEMURA

Earlier today I was talking to my friend about how I've been thinking of going back home lately because of how expensive everything has become lately and how being at home would reduce all of the expenses I've been doing lately because I literally won't need to buy everything myself.

Thinking about it, I could already count in my head how much money I would be saving just by making that move, an idea that didn't look bad at all, but then there was something holding me back, the one thing I have over here but don't have there, the one thing that could just maybe be more valuable than money, my freedom.

You see, unlike over here where I get to be where ever I want to be whenever, it's not the same thing back home. Back home, there's a curfew, one that requires you to be home before a certain time or risk getting in trouble with my old man. And then there's the issue of having friends over, that's a no no because my dad enjoys his privacy and wouldn't want strangers, people he doesn't know coming into his home.

But you see, what's crazy about this things is that over here, I rarely go out or have friends over, so I should easily be able to adapt and follow these rules at home, but I've come to realize that just the fact that I know in my head that I can have anyone over and be anywhere at any time, is enough freedom on its own. Knowing I can do it but just doesn't want to, is a whole lot better than knowing I can't do it even though I have no plans of doing it.

Well, I had gone ahead to confide in a friend because I needed someone else's opinion on the issue and he had told me that if it was left to him, he had no plans of returning home to go stay with his family. He said he had left home to feed home and had no plans of returning empty-handed, then he had gone ahead to also point out the freedom part and how all of that would change for him if he decides to go back home.

Now, I really don't know what to do anymore because on one hand I hate all of this expenses I'm doing and would really enjoy someone else helping out every now and then and on the other hand, I love my freedom the way it is and wouldn't want to trade it for anything.. What do I do?


it's the price to pay O.O. if you want the freedom and not go back home you probably have to look in reducing your expenses or making more money.

nothing wrong with going home either. im luckily staying with my dad now but its not strict and i can save more money this way for sure.

its up to u though on what u want.


Going home for me is the best option, I know it... But my dad is strict and hates it when people breaks his rules.

I guess I will just have to settle with reducing expenses and making more money.


o.o you can do anything. There's no best option it's what you make of it. if u looking at standpoint of just making money then ya staying home would be good but if u want freedom staying alone is the best option


In my case I have freedom doesn't matter I am in home or elsewhere. But I prefer to stay with my family members because the care and love I get from home is priceless. In your case I can't suggest you because you feel your home as a prison. Maybe it's because of your father.


Not exactly because of my dad but a couple of other things that I really can't say out here.. Home is cool but also boring.. Like very very boring.


Hehe. In my case the situation is the opposite. Home is like paradise and I enjoy each time here because my siblings and parents always exist here to make things interesting.


I don't think these rules can not be bypassed. About the curfew, U can plan yourself well, anyday you have reason to come home late, you could plan and stay in a friends place and inform your dad that you won't be coming home at all.
For the inviting of friends, you could just avoid that since you already know how Ur dad feels about it.


Lol.. Not all African parents are cool with their kids sleeping outside bro.. No matter how old you are.

As long as you stay under their roof, you're coming home every night.


Both things are very important for leading a good life. When a person has money nowadays, he can buy everything freely.
