Saturday Savings Club Progress Report for June 2022


Hello, Saturday Savings Club friends! I'm back with a progress report on my savings goals. On a SATURDAY, even! That almost never happens. ;)

Goal #1: (Musical) Keyboard Funds

My keyboard funds goal is in the form of saving HBD in my savings account over on @faeriestories, my alt account. Right now, I have 92.242 HBD in there, plus I'll have another 1.111 earned in interest in less than a day, so we'll call it 93.353! My goal is 275 HBD, so we're making good progress! :)


Last month, I had 59.857 HBD, so that's an increase of 33.496. I'm happy with that amount toward my goal. :)

Goal #2: 200 EDS


I am now up to 154 EDS, which means only 46 more to go until I reach my goal of 200! I'm happy with that too. I mostly just exchange some other second-layer tokens I get and buy EDS instead; only occasionally do I pop in a Hive or two to buy more. Last month I was at 151, so it wasn't a big increase this month, but last month I had a higher EDS increase and a lower HBD increase; this month it's the reverse, so I consider it balancing out okay. :) We're only halfway through the year (and I started very late too), so I think this is doable!

Goal #3: Finish French Textbook

After not studying at all last month, I actually studied! Once. Okay, so I didn't make a lot of progress, ha ha. But I did break the bad streak of absolutely NO studying. I am on page 92 out of 515 in my workbook, which is only an increase of 5 pages, but I'll take it. I was just kind of studying in-between tasks when I did it, and I stopped at a test point (the first test in the book, actually), so I'll be doing that soon to see if I've retained anything with my studying being as spread out as it has been this year so far. Studying (when I'm not on a deadline) is one of those things that I don't do for long periods but then I'll go on a bit of a bender about it and do a lot at once. So hopefully I hit one of those Feeling Studious Moments, and I'll plow through a bunch of my workbook and make more progress. But hey, pages are pages!

SWM 1 cover.jpg

So, to summarize:

june 2022 goals chart.png


Great work on your goals! I love French and tried to start learning earlier this year but I just couldn't motivate myself to finish the course. Keep up the good work.
