Trying to find my own problem


There are a lot of mistakes nowadays that go out for work, work is not done, how many worries do I get out of the house to do the right things, but after going out, a lot of things become random, some work is done and some work remains to be done after returning home.

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The work that I was supposed to do then why I could not do it. Maybe the decision to go out and do the work that I have not decided to do in the first half is very random because everything is random these days because of the surrounding conditions.

From the afternoon onwards it seemed that I should go out. I spent the rest of the day inside the house, so I felt very lonely. At first I thought I would go out and drink tea and then I would do the rest. But I went to fix my mobile because in the past my mobile was damaged. So I went there and tried to fix the mobile in the shop and there was some more work in hand. I decided to do that, but I couldn't do much with time. When I suddenly got home, I felt like I still had a lot of work to do.

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I don't know if this is the case with others, but I have a lot of randomness these days. If I have decided to do a lot of work, it seems that some of the things I have been able to do are fine, but I don't remember doing the rest. I don't understand that maybe I want to do a lot of things at once which is why I don't want everything to go well.

In fact, I have become more and more addicted to the virtual world. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. But I think I have to find a way out of this problem on my own. And the only solution is to try. For example, if I reduce the workload of the virtual world and try to keep pace with the real world, then maybe this problem of mine will be solved.

However, since I have decided to solve the problem, I have to be mentally prepared and solve my own problem. However, I came up with the idea of trying to figure out what to do with your life.
