Initiative || “Our planet, our health” // [ENG//ESP]

Authored by @Nayromero

Hello friends of Hive, Welcome to my blog.!

Hola amigos de Hive, Bienvenidos a mi blog.!

Beautiful and blessed day for all, especially for this great community that encourages us to talk about inspiring and motivating topics for everyone. In this opportunity to share a little more about what the health of our planet represents and how we balance it with our own.

When we talk about health, we always focus on our well-being and that of those around us, but honestly, sometimes we forget about our planet and the importance of taking care of it for the well-being of everyone as a whole.

Hermoso y bendecido día para todos, en especial para esta gran comunidad que nos alienta hablar sobre temas inspiradores y motivadores para todos. En esta oportunidad para compartir un poco más sobre lo que representa la salud de nuestro planeta y de que manera la equilibramos con la nuestra.

Cuando hablamos de salud nos enfocamos siempre en nuestro bienestar y en el de los que nos rodean pero sinceramente a veces nos olvidamos de nuestro planeta y la importancia de cuidarlo para el bienestar de todos en conjunto.


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The health of our planet is our health // La salud de nuestra planeta es nuestra salud

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Since we were little we are very aware of the importance of staying healthy and avoiding any type of disease, especially our parents tell us about a balanced diet, the importance of exercising and maintaining a balance of mind and body, and I have always fulfilled all this above all because of my health problems, which is why I have tried to maintain a healthy diet and a quiet life. But I have learned that it is based on much more, since how we take care of ourselves if we dirty, how we take care of ourselves if we contaminate, and everything is a wheel that returns what we give.

Everyone talks about the health of each person But they forget about the balance between nature and human beings, about the great importance of caring for the planet because everything is a cycle and we are part of it. Man has become the owner of the world and has used nature to his liking and convenience, taking advantage of everything it has to give us without paying back everything they give us and all this has brought many consequences for a long time, diseases, droughts, floods and others but he considered that the care of the planet is in each one, doing your part and based on the education we receive from home.

Desde pequeños estamos muy conscientes de la importancia de mantenernos sanos y evitar cualquier tipo de enfermedad, sobre todo nuestros padres nos hablan de una alimentación balanceada, de importancia de hacer ejercicio y mantener un equilibrio de mente y cuerpo, y todo esto siempre lo he cumplido sobre todos por mis problemas de salud razón por la cual he tratado de mantener una dieta saludable y una vida tranquila. Pero he aprendido que se basa en mucho más pues como nos cuidamos si ensuciamos, como nos cuidamos si contaminamos y todo es una rueda que regresa lo que damos.

Todos hablan de la salud de cada persona Pero se olvidan de el equilibrio entre la naturaleza y el ser humano, de la gran importancia de cuidar el planeta pues todo es un ciclo y nosotros somos parte de el. El hombre se ha hecho dueño del mundo y ha utilizado la naturaleza a su gusto y conveniencia, aprovechando todo lo que tiene para darnos sin retribuir todo lo que nos dan y todo esto ha traído muchas consecuencias desde hace mucho tiempo, enfermedades, sequías, inundaciones y demás pero consideró que el cuidado del planeta esta en cada uno, poniendo de tu parte y basándose en la educación que recibimos desde casa.

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Our home

Nuestro hogar

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Our planet is our home, we learn the sense of belonging that we have for what is ours from the beginning of life and the earth is part of each one of us, in it we live and take everything we need to survive, therefore the most It is logical that together we take care of it and preserve it, he considered that education to achieve it is the fundamental piece of everything and we must base ourselves on it.

Learning from home that the active consumerism in which we live is not correct and learning to make better use of all the resources we have, take advantage of the land, take care of the water, avoid pollution in all its senses is the first way to take care our health and that of our planet because by affecting it we are contaminating and affecting ourselves.

Nuestro planeta es nuestro hogar, el sentido de pertenencia que tenemos por lo que es nuestro lo aprendemos desde el inicio de la vida y la tierra forma parte de cada uno, en el vivimos y tomamos todo lo que necesitamos parq sobrevivir por lo tanto lo más lógico es que juntos lo cuidemos y preservemos, consideró que la educación para conseguirlo es la pieza fundamental de todo y en ella debemos basarnos.

Aprender desde casa que el consumismo activo en el cual nos desenvolvemos no es lo correcto y aprender a darle mejor uso a todos los recursos que tenemos, aprovechar la tierra, cuidar el agua, evitar la contaminación en todos sus sentidos es la primera forma de cuidar nuestra salud y la de nuestro planeta pues al afectarlo a el nos vamos contaminando y afectando a nosotros mismos.


The interest must be all together working for a single cause, well-being together, let's not focus on the fact that only the school has the task of teaching, because from home we have the tools to guide and place the grain of land that we need to improve health. of our planet.

Well friends, I hope you are encouraged to carry out this initiative. I want to invite @litzismar and @mariaced to participate in this great contest.

El interés debe ser en conjunto todos trabajando por una sola causa el bienestar en conjunto, no nos enfoquemos que solo la escuela tiene la tarea de enseñar pues desde la casa tenemos las herramientas para orientar y colocar el granito de tierra que necesitamos para mejorar la salud de nuestro planeta.

Bueno amigos espero se animen a realizar esta iniciativa. Quiero invitar a @litzismar y @mariaced a participar en esta gran concurso.

Thank you once again dear friends for reading and visiting my blog. !!

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Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

es verdad @nayromero estar en armonía con la naturaleza nos hace mas saludables y a menudo cundo es el stress nos agobia lo mejor es pasar tiempo contemplando y disfrutando de la naturaleza. Muy interesante tu post


cool .... I like this Mountains back there, I want to photograph them🤗👌👌👌🍷
