more than 10 Fatalities Recorded as Drone Strike Hits Ethiopia's Tigray Region : Evident War Crime


A total end of the road for the victims as an airstrike coming from a drone attack claims the lives of 10persons so far and still counting though other Causalities are recorded. The lack of right pattern to follow as through the talk through for a peace talk in Ethopia between the government officials and her allies has caused this disaster and death troll.

Tigray has been bombed several times since fighting resumed in late August between government forces and their allies, and rebels led by the TPLF, which ruled Ethiopia for decades before Abiy took office in 2018.The return to combat shattered a March truce and dashed hopes of peacefully resolving the war, which has killed untold numbers of civilians and triggered a humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia.source


In Documentary,this southern part of Ethopia has been under attack and each of this recorded successes of attacks,there has been casualties both in death and injuries. Irrespective of the fact that these destruction are being done both in properties too, for a while a piece talk is been held but because it's not fabricated on the right plan and a balance being kept, it turns to be futile and after a space of time,there comes a strike.

Following the Incident which lead to the casualties recorded,the chairpersons in the look of the affairs of Tigrayan held a peace talk in the past 72hours with the African Union as to end the lingering quagmire causing war between the northern hemisphere of Ethopia, but after the peace talk to prove that it yielded not positively,a strike with drone was sent to show a signal of disbelief with the outcome of the meeting.


Apparently,this now turning as a war crime by the opposition parties as lives are now targeted rather than another way round as to negotiate and call for peace. The target if civilians which has nothing to contribute to this disarray is proven to draw more attention of other countries in the said continent as the main reason behind this attack hasn't been fully ascertained.

Africa as a continent should on a normal and good note be on the same side of belief when it comes to peace because of what they have in common in-between the countries that make them up. But this is proven out of point as in-between nations, they are fighting themselves. Looking at the underdevelopment of most African countries and some measures of support and advancement they are lacking also adding to the fact that their death span is on the low because of the consistent lacking of the necessary tools for survival,they should be at peace and not look for what will reduce their number.

Peace among all should be sort for as it has its own gap to fill in every life.

