¿Con que nombre conoces a este insecto? (Esp)(Eng)


Imagen de Juan Carlos García Menezo en Pixabay

Desde pequeña he visto estos insectos sin saber cuál era su nombre real, en mi familia le decían cerbatanas o tara no sé de dónde sacaron los nombres, pero como todo, cuando somos niños nos acostumbramos a decirle a las cosas como escuchamos.

Hoy me visito este insecto y mi hija me dice que es una mantis, le pregunte quien te dijo que se llamaba así, contesto que su padre sonreí y pensé que estaba inventando es nombre para salir del paso, pero para salir de dudas lo busque en google.com y si ciertamente se llama mantis religiosa.

Since I was little I have seen these insects without knowing what their real name was, in my family they were called "cerbatanas" or "tara", I don't know where they got the names, but like everything else, when we are children we get used to tell things as we hear them.

Today I was visited by this insect and my daughter told me that it is a mantis, I asked her who told you that it was called that way, she answered that her father smiled and I thought that she was inventing the name to get out of the way, but to get out of doubts I looked it up in google.com and it is certainly called praying mantis.

Imagen de Kathysg en Pixabay

Le llaman así por la forma en que tiene las dos patas delanteras, perece que estuviera en posición para orar.

It is so called because of the way it has two front legs, as if it were in a praying position.

Imagen de Alan A. en Pixabay

Es muy hábil para camuflarse, sobre todo cuando le interesa cazar sus presas.

Nunca me hubiera imaginado que la mantis religiosa fuera carnívora, se alimenta de otros insectos, como moscas y saltamontes, y me causo especial asombro que también come tortugas, ratones y hasta serpientes, este insecto hembra se come al mantis macho después de ser apareada, gracias a sus afiladas mandíbulas, ¡waoo! se ve muy frágil para esto.

It is very skilled at camouflaging itself, especially when it is interested in hunting its prey.

I would never have imagined that the praying mantis was carnivorous, it feeds on other insects, such as flies and grasshoppers, and I was especially amazed that it also eats turtles, mice and even snakes, this female insect eats the male mantis after being mated, thanks to its sharp jaws, waoo! it looks very fragile for this.

Imagen de Lajos Megyeri en Pixabay

Es ideal para tenerla en los jardines de nuestro hogar o en los huertos, para controlar los insectos que estén atacando nuestras plantas.

It is ideal to have it in the gardens of our home or in the orchards, to control insects that are attacking our plants.

Imagen de Ernesto Rodriguez en Pixabay

En fin este insecto le debemos mucho respeto igual que a todos pero debemos tenerle mucho cuidado, porque aunque son inofensivas para los humanos si se siente asechada puede atacar y morder.

Me causa curiosidad, su vestuario ya que es tan hermoso ver como su cuerpo parecen hojas verdes o tal vez hojas secas, según el lugar donde habitan.

In short, we owe this insect much respect like everyone else, but we must be very careful, because although they are harmless to humans, if they feel threatened, they can attack and bite.

I am curious about their wardrobe because it is so beautiful to see how their body looks like green leaves or maybe dry leaves, depending on the place where they live.

Imagen de Fotografbee en Pixabay

Son hermosas y tome algunas fotos, para mostrárselas.

Aquí la mantis religiosa que me visito.

They are beautiful and I took some pictures to show them to you.

Here is the praying mantis that visited me.

No soy una experta capturando momentos pero esta fotografias las tome con mi propio dispositivo samsung GalaxyA5, espero les guste.

I'm not an expert at capturing moments but I took these pictures with my own samsung GalaxyA5 device, I hope you like it.

Para el post use imagenes de Pixabay relacionadas con el tema ...agradezco a sus autores por colocarla en forma gratuitas para ayudarnos a embellecer nuestro contenido.

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For the post I used images from Pixabay related to the topic ...I thank their authors for placing them for free to help us to beautify our content.

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excelentes fotos, desde que tengo memoria les he dicho Mantis, creo que tiene un nombre regional pero no lo he escuchado


We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

I have already seen several and they are brutal when they feed!


Hello @motica29!

fantastic animal very fast when feeding
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

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I have never seen a live praying mantis.
