The Search For New home

It was the early hours of a Sunday morning, the sky was as clear blue as a clear sea water, the weather was in good mood, so I thought until the breaking news from my landlady came.


The sound of her heavy slipper made a flop flop as she made her way into my apartment, She had this big envelope with her as she came in .my thoughts went awry, because we owed her for about three months rent which had become an issues as she was ready to be patient.

Landlady: Good morning o, she said, you didn't go to your church today.
Me: Ma, good morning, I am not going today because I have a lot of things to do at home today.
Landlady: Okay, I came to give you this, you should give it to your husband, I have tried my best for you guys.
And she proceeded to walk out of the house.

I hurriedly tore up the envelope as I couldn't wait to see what was in it.

The envelope was a little rumbled, maybe from how she might have squeezed it under her armpit as she came in, but I couldn't care less about it, the content of the letter was my nightmare, she had just given us two months to leave the apartment we currently lived in.

In a twinkle of an eye, I dashed to the bedroom to pick up my phone, I called my husband and broke the sad news to him and there we began looking for ways to solve our homelessness.

Many days passed by and we began the search for a new place we could call home, begging the former landlady was not an option as she had done so with many other of her tenants.

We searched far and near for a possible home, while we saw some that were up to our taste, but the price was on the high side , this search made it rather frustrating and tiring as we moved from street to street, house to house, until we finally came to one which caught our interest.

It wasn't easy searching for a new place as it was like searching for a bottle in the ocean with out little budget, it was quite a big and hurried search because there was no time to wait as the landlady has set her mind to throwing our things out talk about bad luck.

Thankfully we finally got a place to call home again after the great search.
Husband: this is a new place , though a bit high , so we should find ways to increase out income to be able to sort out our bills

Me: yes dear, we should and God will help us.

Soon we moved into our new home and lived there till date

Thanks for reading
See you in my next post❤️❤️


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It's a sad thing having to leave one's home due to financial reasons. I'm glad you and your husband were able to find a new home.


I'm glad that you guys were able to to find a place to live in.

I wish you and your husband the best in trying to earn higher income.


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Thank you for joining The Ink Well, @moclassic. We're glad you're here.

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Welcome to The Ink Well!

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Getting a home of your taste is not easy. Thank God you guys were able to find a new home.


Thankfully you found your home. It's never an easy task


The battle of finding a house in some areas can be so intensed.
It's good you finally got one and left that land lady that was ready to release her problems


The landlady is kindhearted to have spared you and your husband the three months rent you owed her.
Finding a new house is not always funny and in most cases, money proves to be an obstacle. I'm just glad that you guys finally got one that matched your taste, though that will require an increase in your incomes. Good luck with that 🤗.

