The making of a monster.

Ask an average young man from my country; Nigeria, why he is yet to have a child, and money would likely be his sole reason.

That would mean that, as soon as he buoys up financially, what would naturally follow would be marriage and eventually children, as a natural consequence.

I wouldn't want to rule out the place of money in a child's upbringing, neither do I want bother myself in stating its cruciality as that would be trite and might likely amount to an overkill.

Giving a child a proper upbringing is expensive. I wouldn't say more.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

But what I have seen in some quarters, are people who see finance as the primary and sole requirement in parenting.

What has that manner of thinking done to us?

An incident that occurred in a boarding school in my country would help answer that.

Chidalu, a teenage boy in Dowen secondary school located in the city of Lagos, (a school where the tuition is over a million naira) was bullied to death by fellow students. Report has it that he was beaten and battered to an early grave, for his refusal to get initiated into a secret cult group in the institution.

Here the bullies' parents have the money to give their kids the good things of life, but lack the capacity to ingrained in them good values.

Now that their kids have murdered a promising innocent child, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they are acting surprise.

They can tell their 'surprising tales' to who cares to listen.

What I do know is that murder is no mean vice.

Nobody have the capacity to wake up one morning and intentionally snuff out life from another person, without prior indications.

  • His pomposity should have been noticed.

  • How he wants to force everyone into carrying out his biddings should have seen and curtailed on time.

  • His intolerance should have been addressed.

  • How he treats his, siblings, maids and friends should have been clear enough.

  • How he doesn't take a no from anyone and for whatever reason should've been an indicator.

  • How he often resort to violence when opposed, would've been a pointer to what manner of life he'd be leading.

Some parents are often too busy to observe the direction their children are tilting to.

As far as they are able to buy them the beautiful things of life, they wouldn't care if their lifestyles is adding beauty to others' life.

Because they can send them to some of the most expensive schools in town, they'd assume that it'll make up for lack of proper home training.

Even if those schools were to instill discipline in the children, they wouldn't, because they operate with a capitalism mentality. They are in there, mainly for the money, and since all some rich parents do is to romance the haughtiness and naughtiness of their children, the school management wouldn't want to derail from that, so that they don't offend the parents, thereby causing them to withdraw their wards.

So they'd keep masaging and nurturing serpentine behaviours in kids until they turn to a seven headed hydra.

Really, it's the making of a monster.

It's what we have when we see money as the the loci and foci of parenting.

Parents are supposed to be nurturers.

Before embarking on the journey of parenthood, deliberately begin to inculcate in you, good moral values which you would intentionally pass on to your children.

Children are heirs, not just to our material wealth but also to our internal values.

Children are to be trained on all front.

PS: This my first time of posting in this community, I hope I'm welcomed?


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Good article and commentary @mmykel. We are experiencing bullying of various types and degrees in our primary school at the moment and it is so important that as parents we get a quick handle on it and bring our children back on track as soon as possible. This was topical for me today. Thanks for sharing! !PIZZA !ALIVE
