A stable genius?


I keep on finding people in my life who tell me that Trump is a smart man. I think the idea of his "smarts" comes from the superficial analysis that he's made money, but I'm not ready to equate making money with IQ if I am to be honest.

As I was perusing on the twittersphere I happened to run across his latest statement, and it's gold. What can I say?

Screen Shot 2021-12-05 at 12.25.52 PM.png

Double negatives, really?

If I was a betting man I would put some chips on the fact that most of his die hard fans will defend this aggressively, but it's really hard to do so.

Now, before you feel compelled to insult me, I will accept that plenty of people speak in double negatives and are understood. But most people are not 45, nor they have the resources to get their statements proof read prior to releasing them.

In case

You are scratching you head, I'll break this down with some examples, and then let you figure out what Donnie has actually done with this important "address" to the nation.

Example 1:
"I ain't gonna wear no mask"

You are actually saying: "I'm going to wear a mask"

Example 2:
"Don't nobody go nowhere"

You are saying: "Everyone go somewhere"

So Donnie said...

Yeah. He just called all of his fans, his followers and of course his sycofants "stupid or corrupt"

Well, at least we get to laugh a bit, right?



I don't think he's too bright. He's got by on attitude and by suing people as well as not paying his bills when he should. I don't think he even cares that much about his fans as long as he gets the adulation. It's all about his ego. We have similar issues in the UK. Such people are dangerous as they react rather than actually having a plan.

What we need is opposition that can actually get the support they need, but it seems to be all about hype these days.


Given the appalling record of Fraudulent Biden I think I'll let his double negatives pass.

He didn't preside over the worst US military defeat since Vietnam.
He didn't start new wars.
He didn't usher in a dystopian medical tyranny that makes Black Mirror look tame.
He presided over a strong economy not a collapsing one.
He can actually make a speech and win over a crowd.

I'll also let his other flaws pass too, because he was the best President the US has had for a very long while.


I can't say there's been any good presidents in my lifetime, and for certain, the "least bad" is not good by any stretch of the imagination.

Some would say I'm not a realist, and that may be the case. But all I've seen in my lifetime a politician not use his power to make himself richer. There's been no exceptions.

To me, they all suck...


Well its a given that all politicians suck! :-)

That's why I like Trump more because he had zero political experience before winning the Presidency as a complete outsider.

Government itself is an outdated and corrupt institution that will hopefully be substantially replaced by decentralised, voluntarist communities.
