Un día bizarro || A bizarre day ✨ LOH-157✨


Un cordial saludo Damas y Caballeros, miembros activos de esta comunidad. Muy contenta de unirme a la diversión, en el Concurso #157 con la interrogante:

2️⃣ ¿Cuándo ha sentido su mayor descarga de adrenalina?

Un día bizarro

He tenido circunstancias que han exacerbado y disparado la elevación de la adrenalina, porque en esta vida convulsa y espasmódica en la que transito y circulo a diario, no he estado exenta de acontecimientos llenos de ansiedad y estrés. Pero si hablamos de sensaciones y efectos, hay una situación en particular que se lleva el primer lugar y es la historia que compartiré con ustedes. Se trata de un evento colmado de adrenalina, que representa un antes y un después en mi concepción de la filosofía de vida. Te lo relato a continuación.

Era un domingo de Enero, a las siete de la mañana. Lo recuerdo porque al salir de casa miré mi reloj de pulsera y eso era lo que indicaban las manecillas del reloj. Tenía prisa, mi cabeza sólo manejaba preocupaciones, abstraída en mis pensamientos y distraída de lo que me rodeaba. Mamá estaba en la etapa terminal de su enfermedad, había pasado una muy mala noche, no había podido dormir. Y yo tampoco había podido descansar, presenciando su agonía. El propósito de la salida era conseguir algunos medicamentos (analgésicos opioides) para aliviar su dolor.

La mañana era fría, todo estaba en calma y silencio, y no veía a ningún vecino deambulando por los alrededores. No me sorprendió en absoluto, así de solitarios eran los domingos a esa hora, en mi zona residencial. El trayecto para tomar el bús de transporte público, era de unas cinco manzanas. Cuando estaba a mitad de camino, vi pasar una motocicleta con dos ocupantes en sentido contrario, pero no presté atención, no activé mis alarmas, ni puse en práctica el dicho "piensa mal y acertarás".

Así, brusca y violentamente, fui sorprendida por ambos hombres, quienes se acercaron a mí. Inmediatamente, el del asiento trasero sacó una pistola de una bolsa y me apuntó con ella. El hombre destilaba furia y con ojos desorbitados me gritaba una y otra vez que le entregara mis pertenencias. El delincuente, que iba delante, aceleraba continuamente la moto, dispuesto a huir en estampida.

Al principio, experimenté un embotamiento, me sentía entumecida, no procesaba las ideas adecuadamente, no generaba pensamientos conscientes y me encontraba en el limbo, como a cámara lenta. Los gritos repetitivos de mi asaltante y un disparo cerca de mis pies me situaron en el momento que quería eludir. Estaba en un atraco y yo era uno de los protagonistas de la escena, era víctima de dos delincuentes armados, en una situación de peligro inminente, y mi vida pendía de un hilo.

El disparo me catapultó a la realidad, mi cuerpo experimentó un tumulto de emociones, los efectos del subidón de adrenalina en respuesta a la situación que estaba viviendo. Mis órganos empezaron a expresarse de muchas maneras. Mi corazón latía sin control, como si quisiera salir de mi cuerpo. Tenía las manos entumecidas, sentía náuseas, empecé a sudar profusamente y me invadió un terrible dolor de cabeza. Mis pensamientos resurgieron y se activaron, empezaron a cruzar por mi mente y me puse alerta ante la situación. Tenía que actuar con rapidez y eficacia. El agresor, que ya había disparado una vez, estaba ofuscado e irritable. Me pregunté: "¿Huir?" Me volví a interrogar: "¿En un espacio abierto, todo desolado, y los asaltantes en moto?" No, ésa no es la solución.

Les diré que, con pesar, empecé a quitarme los aretes y el anillo, él me arrancó el reloj de pulsera y la cartera. Cuando el delincuente vio que sólo había el equivalente en efectivo a cuatro billetes de autobús, tiró el monedero y esparció mis tarjetas de débito por la calle. Y huyeron a toda velocidad.

Recogí mis documentos esparcidos por la calle y los metí en mi bolso. En ese momento me fallaron las piernas y me senté en la acera a llorar. Pasaron minutos, tal vez horas, hasta que recuperé la compostura y mi cuerpo volvió a la normalidad. Así fui interiorizando lo que sentía y experimentaba. Me levanté y fui a cumplir mi propósito, buscar las medicinas de mi madre.

Me he entrenado en defensa personal y siempre planifiqué cómo actuaría en una situación de peligro inminente. Pero con este suceso descubrí que las reacciones, acciones y respuestas conductuales, emocionales y fisiológicas son impredecibles e incontrolables.

Nunca le comenté a mi madre este episodio. Ya era suficiente con su lucha y con lo que tenía que soportar. Era inaceptable causarle más preocupación y angustia. Así que aquel día de Enero fue bizarro, raro, extraño e inusual. Un acontecimiento triste...

Esta es mi participación de esta semana. Muchas gracias @merit.ahama por tus preguntas. Preguntas que generaron, reflexiones.

Si aún no lo has hecho, anímate a compartir en la comunidad "Ladies of Hive"

Gracias por su visita


A cordial greeting Ladies and Gentlemen, active members of this community. Very happy to join the fun, in Contest #157 with the question:

2️⃣ When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?

A bizarre day

I have had circumstances that have exacerbated and triggered the adrenaline rush, because in this convulsive and spasmodic life, in which I travel and circulate on a daily basis, I have not been exempt from events full of anxiety and stress. But if we talk about sensations and effects, there is one situation in particular that takes the first place and it is the story I will share with you. It is about an adrenaline-filled event, which represents a before and after in my conception of life philosophy. I will tell you about it below.

It was a Sunday in January, at seven o'clock in the morning. I remember it because as I left the house I looked at my wristwatch and that was what the hands of the watch indicated. I was in a hurry, my head was only handling worries, abstracted in my thoughts and distracted from my surroundings. Mom was in the terminal stage of her illness, she had spent a very bad night, she had not been able to sleep. And I hadn't been able to rest either, witnessing her agony. The purpose of the outing was to get some medication (opioid painkillers) to ease her pain.

The morning was cold, everything was calm and quiet, and I could not see any neighbors wandering around. I wasn't surprised at all, that's how lonely Sundays were at that hour, in my residential area. The walk to catch the public transportation bus was about five blocks. When I was halfway there, I saw a motorcycle with two occupants, passing in the opposite direction, but I did not pay attention, I did not activate my alarms, nor did I put into practice the saying "think wrong and you will be right".

Thus, abruptly and violently, I was surprised by both men, who approached me. Immediately, the one in the back seat pulled out a pistol from a bag and pointed it at me. The man exuded fury and with wild eyes shouted at me over and over again to hand over my belongings. The offender, who was in front, continuously accelerated the motorcycle, ready to flee in a stampede.

In the beginning, I experienced a dullness, I felt numb, I did not process ideas properly, I did not generate conscious thoughts, and I was in limbo, as if in slow motion. The repetitive screams of my assailant and a shot close to my feet placed me in the moment I wanted to elude. I was in a robbery and I was one of the protagonists of the scene, I was the victim of two armed criminals, in a situation of imminent danger, and my life was hanging by a thread.

The gunshot catapulted me into reality, my body experienced a tumult of emotions, the effects of the adrenaline rush in response to the situation I was experiencing. My organs began to express themselves in many ways. My heart was beating uncontrollably as if it wanted to leave my body. My hands were numb, I felt nauseous, I began to sweat profusely and a terrible headache invaded me. My thoughts resurfaced and became active, they began to cross my mind and I became alert to the situation. I had to act quickly and effectively. The assailant, who had already fired once, was obfuscated and irritable. I asked myself, "Run away?" I reinterrogated myself: "In an open field, all desolate, and the assailants on a motorcycle?" No, that's not the solution.

I will tell you that, with regret, I started to take off my earrings and ring, and he ripped off my wristwatch and wallet. When the offender saw that there was only the cash equivalent of four bus tickets, he threw the purse away and scattered my debit cards on the street. And they fled at full speed.

I picked up my documents scattered on the street and put them in my bag. At that moment my legs gave out and I sat down on the sidewalk to cry. Minutes passed, maybe hours, until I regained my composure and my body returned to normal. Thus I was internalizing what I felt and experienced. I got up and went to fulfill my purpose, to look for my mother's medicines.

I have trained in self-defense and always planned how I would act in a situation of imminent danger. But I found with this event, that behavioral, emotional and physiological reactions, actions and responses are unpredictable and uncontrollable.

I never told my mother about this episode. Enough was enough of her struggle and what she had to endure. It was unacceptable to cause her more worry and distress. So that day in January was bizarre, weird, strange and unusual. A sad event...

This is my participation this week. Thank you very much @merit.ahama for your questions. Questions that generated, reflections.

If you haven't done it yet, encourage you to share in the "Ladies of Hive" community.

Thank you for your visit


Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.
Producción intelectual original.
Todos los derechos reservados. 22 de Octubre de 2023

The images are my property.

Original intellectual production.
All rights reserved. 22 October 2023


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 179 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!



¡Felicidades! Esta publicación obtuvo upvote y fue compartido por @la-colmena, un proyecto de Curación Manual para la comunidad hispana de Hive que cuenta con el respaldo de @curie.

Si te gusta el trabajo que hacemos, te invitamos a darle tu voto a este comentario y a votar como testigo por La Colmena.

Si quieres saber más sobre nuestro proyecto, te invitamos a acompañarnos en nuestro servidor de Discord.


Muchas gracias equipo @la-colmena. Honrada y gratificada por la deferencia del apoyo. Apreciado 🤗


Oh dear! That must have been one really scary moment for you, your perfect description says that. It could be traumatic to be a victim of robbery, thank goodness they didn't hurt you.

Thanks for participating sis.


Thank you @merit.ahama for your encouragement. A lot of wisdom in your words.
It was a scary and very unsettling moment. I was overcome with doubt, as to what was the best conduct to follow, at that moment. For my protection and shelter, I gave them the little I had and they went no further. From this situation I understood how ethereal our earthly existence is, I am another in my conception. Everything in me was transmuted.
Thank you for your visit and the tokens, I appreciate it.
Happy and successful week.


I understand or I should I can imagine, glad you could tell the story.
You're welcome


Thank you very much @merit.ahama. I am also very grateful to the universe for allowing me to be here today. Blessings, gratitude 🤗✨




Thank you so much @ladiesofhive, happy and grateful to the community for the support.
Gratitude 🤗✨


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@marilour, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Thank you very much community, gratitude 🤗✨


YAY! Your articles was upvoted by the @minnowsupport project!


Omg what a ordeal, but again all that happens in life is ready to be write about and be a blog on hive
Good luck in the contest this week.


That's right dear @brittandjosie, much truth in your words. Life is full of so many experiences, that when you remember you are even surprised of what you have lived, walked and you are grateful for still being here in this earthly existence. Hive is my special and spoiled place, because it contributes to my growth, strengthening and makes me happy day by day. It is its people who give it life and make it a valuable gem and a perennial source of learning. It is a space with all the goodness to receive your experiences and stories, good and not so good, it is rewarding, comforting, therapeutic and also very addictive. Very happy to be here, and interact with people as human and wonderful as you, gratitude 🤗✨
Thanks for the tokens, appreciated.


A bizarre day indeed for you. The adrenaline rush you felt when you heard the gunshot and a gun pointed at you. This will disorganise one's emotional and psychological state and reaction and action at that time cannot be predictable. Thank God it wasn't more than that and you are here alive telling the story.


Thank you @princessbusayo, a pleasure for your visit and interaction. Yes, the unexpected moments disrupt and surprise us for better or for worse. Unfortunately in my country, these events are becoming more and more frequent, in various scenarios of everyday life. I frequently transit in everyday life, from the phenomenological-hermeneutic quality, trying to investigate and scrutinize these social phenomena, which contaminate our societies day by day. But the multifactoriality involves them, the loss of values, the lack of respect for life, and so many causes that can be immersed as conditioners and determinants. This event was a great physical and mental imbalance, which generated many changes in my life, radical changes in the conception of the philosophy of life. I no longer expect "perfect spaces" to be happy, everything is valuable, and everything adds up and enriches, it is a matter of attitude and depends exclusively on each one of us.
Until another time, thank you for your presence, and gratitude 🤗✨.


You did the right thing. Your life is worth far more than a few pieces of jewelry and you fought your panic enough to think reasonably. Most self defense programs don't fully prepare you for the real thing when it unexpectedly happens. You can only learn from this experience, perhaps taking a longer but busier route and prevent exposing yourself as a target. I'd at least report the incident to the police.❤️


Thank you very much @kerrislravenhill for your cordial and comforting words, they are meritorious to me. The contrast you make is of great importance for reflection: "Nothing can be superior or represent greater value than life itself". It was definitely the panic that immobilized me and slowed me down at the beginning, it blocked my senses, it was surprising, destabilizing. This experience left me many lessons, which I put into practice daily and I also advise my friends. I did not report it to the police, but it was made known to my community, and so we will all be alert, to avoid eventualities.
Thank you for your time and for the deference of your interaction, very grateful for your advice, it is appreciated. Gratitude 🤗✨


Disfrute mucho tu relato, estuvo lleno de tantas emociones y casi se me sale el corazón al momento de ver como relatabas la escena del disparo. Fuiste una mujer valiente, sensata y resiliente


Hola @kinadilla es un gusto conocerte a través de esta interacción. Muy agradecida por tus reconfortantes palabras, palabras que me fortalecen. Debemos estar alerta, somos vulnerables a múltiples situaciones, siempre debemos tener presente la duda y desconfianza, porque eso nos permitirá ser menos confiadas y más espectantes ante cualquier acontecimiento.
Fue un gusto, hasta otro momento.
Feliz semana


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Thank you so much, @sagarkothari88, for this gift. Thank you for strengthening my growth in this wonderful multiverse called Hive. Health and wellness 🤗✨


Hey @marilour

I send HivePower ➡️ to many Hive ♦️ users (just like I've sent you 🎉) to motivate content-creators 😇

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Thank you very much @sagarkothari88 for your support, I sincerely appreciate it. I for one have supported it by voting as a witness.
Happy day.


you are welcome and thank you so much for your support have a great day and week ahead.


No matter how trained or prepared one is for eventualities like this, when it comes to a situation like being at gunpoint every point of reason flees.

You handled this beautifully and escaped with your life, which is more precious than all the jewels of the world.
You are a brave and strong queen.


Hi, @whitneyalexx, thank you very much for your comment and interaction. Yes, it is so. In run-over and unusual moments, especially those of imminent danger, reason is cornered, and it costs a lot to achieve the necessary coherence to make wise decisions. I appreciate your kind words that comfort and strengthen me. I agree with you that life itself is the most precious thing in our existence. My gratitude to you 🤗


I’m glad it was helpful. It’s indeed my pleasure 💕
