RE: Track and Trace Privacy Concerns Reduce Patient Compliance. Blockchain to the Rescue?


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Individual human psychology is significantly LESS COMPLEX than your pandemic and climate change examples.

AND even iff the OWNERS had truly accurate predictive systems, it would seem to be in their best interest to pretend they were relying on "incomplete and or faulty data".


What you neglect is that our grasp of that psychology is utterly puerile. Psychology is not a science at all. It is impossible today to predict what an individual will do faced with a set of environmental constraints. Science is only competent to predict the most basic of physical events, like light passing through a pair of slits - and even so remains utterly incapable of grasping why light acts the way it does. The multiple layers of increasing complexity between such simple physics and psychology is literally inconceivably impenetrable scientifically today, and psychologists naught but con artists.

More of import is that our psychology is only surficially of impact to our behaviour. Most of what we do has nothing to do with our consciousness. It's innate behaviour genetically determined, and we don't even know which behaviour, what genes produce it, or why.

We can't even conceive of a machine that can do this, much less make one better at it than us.


We can't even conceive of a machine that can do this, much less make one better at it than us.

This statement is provably false.

Edward Bernays and Cambridge Analytica are proof positive that Humans can be and are being very accurately predicted and influenced.

In 2 minutes,

Also, please watch this [other] informative documentary [regarding cointelpro] for free, no sign-up, LINK



While we certainly can be predictable, and manipulated thereby, it is not at all a scientific grasp, but intuitive. Some statistics can be derived, but outliers always exist and confound our ability to formulate laws that rule our consciousness.

We aren't machines.

We are sacred.

When we are utterly maintaining that in our awareness, we become immune to influence - if we intend to be. We are far more than we realize we are. What is true is that the more we know about our minds and consciousness, the more we realize there is to know that we don't.

As long as this is true, hyperintelligent general AI will remain impossible to create. What intelligence is will remain undefinable, and thus unattainable by our engineering. We can make tools, not minds.

This guy understood that.



...we become immune to influence...

I used to think I was immune to influence (advertising and other con-games) but now I realize that there is a subtle cumulative effect that is nearly impossible to mitigate.

The only way to become immune to influence is to be deaf, blind, and mute (and physically numb).


I must remain unable to agree. It is not nescience that alone enables one to determine one's course, but determination to do so, regardless of the flames.


Most of what we do has nothing to do with our consciousness.

This is true.

And this is what makes Humans so easy to predict.


People are predictable when they set out to be. They don't always do that. Is everyone in Baghdad a terrorist? How can you tell? We can predict there are some, maybe even get close to how many there are, but no one can predict when you will go over the edge and commit acts intended to terrorize others, or whether you will.


All humans terrorize other humans.

It's only a small matter of degree.


Your "conscious mind" is merely fabricating ex-post-facto "explanations" for your very simple animal instincts.

Explained in 5 minutes,


I think that is true to an extent. Human beings are cognitively unpredictable to a degree. This is why inventions arise, art is created, and reason deployed.

It is an interesting situation. I also try to keep in mind that what I believe informs what I perceive. If I don't believe something is possible, even if I see it before my eyes, I may not actually see it for what it is, but my brain may manufacture some other explanation. I also sometimes force myself to acknowledge that I don't know what I am seeing, and like to think that I would not explain why I was holding the Rubik's Cube if I wasn't actually holding it.

I also have experienced lucid dreams where there are actually three of me present: the Dreamer, the Dreamee, and the lucid consciousness I am when awake that was watching me dream, both the receipt of the dream and the act of composing the dream.

When I was 8 or so, I was using limpets for bait to catch sculpins by hand in the tide pools on the beach of Baranof Island. One of the limpet shells shattered when I scooped the limpet out of the shell with my thumb, but I noticed nothing wrong, so I dropped the bait into the pool, and lurked above, ready to pounce on my dinner.

I saw a droplet fall into the pool, and noticed it was blood. I looked at my thumb, and it was deeply lacerated from the razor sharp shell fragments.

Suddenly, it hurt.

That was extremely educational, and remains of import to me in my daily life. It's why I am able to work construction as I have more than two decades after suffering injury to my back. Today I spent hours trenching with an axe in one hand and a sledge hammer in the other. I am able to decide to suffer or not from the pain I experience, and still be able to judge whether I am injuring me from doing stuff that I shouldn't.

After the work is over, I let the pain free from the oblivion I keep it in while I work.

