PolyCub - Neat Project / Also, Anyone Seeing Their Unlocked Wallet Claiming to Hold a Gazillion?



It has been great to watch the hard work and progress of the Cub Team.

I'm not deeply looped in, but I appreciate the education and exposure I gain to these things on Hive.

I can't say there are a million film, video, art, storytelling accounts here, yet, but there are a few, and the community in general is a really interesting one. I appreciate being in the mix. Lots to see on gardening, health, investing, general art, photo, travel, news, alternative news, blockchain, and on.

PolyCub Post #1, Regarding LP Stakes:

One Small Observation on My Unlocked PolyCub Wallet


I'm pretty sure this means 1,157,920,892,373,162 × 10^44 PolyCub.

I think I wrote that correctly. It could be the opposite direction for the decimal, but "+" should mean "go right."

I do not know much about the specifics on max supply, but it doesn't take the most specific math to see this isn't possible, at all.

I assume it corrects and clicks back on track soon.

Regardless, good to see the PolyCub price recover a little to 19¢.

If anyone has any tips on this, feel free to share. If you're in the same boat, perhaps we simply wave at each other; as mentioned, I assume it clicks back on track soon enough.

Be well.
(words are original, images are screen shots from polycub site)
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