Fungi Friday | Ink mushroom, short-lived of the short.


My meeting with him was not what I planned, there was no appointment, no special preparation, but it was very meaningful and made an impression on my heart and mind.

Although he is not rare, his presence is always awaited by every mushroom hunter, including myself.

Special for you guys, I made this ink mushroom as my contribution to #fungifriday by @ewkaw.

The name is so unique, Ink cap mushroom, or ink mushroom as we villagers call it, this is because this mushroom has a beautiful hat and is also black like ink, I even hope that one day this mushroom can be a raw material for making ink, so that the power the world's attraction for this one mushroom has increased tremendously.

This mushroom has a very short lifespan, even the shortest of the short ones I've ever met.

I was surprised to see that his life was so short, when I met him it was 09:00, after taking some photos of him, I was active for a while, and when 09:30 I returned to visit him to see his progress, but to my surprise it turned out to be a fungus. had withered and melted into black ink.

In the area where I live, this mushroom grows in two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season, this is of course a special attraction and uniqueness for this black mushroom.

While other mushrooms are reluctant to reveal themselves during the rainy season, ink mushrooms are still able to show their existence in nature, even though their lifespan is relatively short.

The structure of the hat is very soft, even the stem of this mushroom is soft and breaks easily when touched.

Even though this mushroom is edible, the content in this mushroom contains substances that are intoxicating if consumed by people who have low immune systems.

that's all from me for today, happy #fungifriday, and see you next Friday.


Nice spécies and correct shots!

!discovery 17
