Stranded in Lagos.

Some lessons are learned the hard way in life and it's a huge grace when these lessons don't come at the cost of anything other than just probably a little embarrassment or other things we can bear, only people who have been stranded in Lagos can relate to my experience.

I had the intention of going to Lagos about four years ago during the festive season when my aunt told me she wanted me to deliver some stuff to her friend who was travelling back to the UK and she needed to go with the package that contained dresses. I didn't want to run sun errands for her initially but she was ready to pay my fare to Lagos. Aside from that, she told me that her friend would definitely reward me.

Upon hearing that, I was excited and agreed to run the errand. I arrived in Lagos on Friday and the person agreed to meet me somewhere on the Mainland the next day.

I thought if the person was financially okay like my aunt said, she shouldn't living on the mainland but I still trusted my aunt's words.

"Please wait for me at Mr. Biggs, I will join you there shortly," this was the message she sent me while waiting for her somewhere in Ikosi if I remember clearly. I didn't see any Mr. Biggs in sight so I asked around and someone directed me to the place.

I went in and after fifteen minutes, she texted me again that she had a little delay and I should give her more time. I was there for over another forty-five minutes and my belly started grumbling, I didn't eat breakfast before leaving home and didn't know I would get hungry earlier because I usually don't take my breakfast early. On the other hand, the tasty meals I was seeing at Mr. Biggs must have triggered the worm in my belly to misbehave. I had money to take me back home but spending it wasn't an option.

I thought about it critically and just told myself that since the woman told me to stay at Mr Biggs, she wanted me to entertain myself. After all, I have stayed too long waiting.

I approached the counter and ordered a plate of rice, chicken and coke. I got the bill immediately and was shocked because the price wasn't the same as what we used to get in Ogun State.

To avoid embarrassing myself, I paid the money and left the counter. The food was looking great and everything I was thinking about my fare back home vanished immediately I took the first spoon of the Jollof rice.

After a while, I finished the food and called the woman again.

"Please I can't make it there but I will send someone now," she said immediately she picked up the call and ended it immediately.

Ha! What does she mean by sending someone? I quickly called my sister to inform her about everything that has happened so far but she didn't pick up.


The person she sent arrived and he called me. I told him I was inside Mr. Biggs and he told me to come outside which wasn't a good sign.

I stepped out and he just left after collecting the package. I had to call him back to ask if the woman sent anything to me and he said no.

"How? Isn't she from the UK? Why wouldn't she know the right thing to do?

I called my aunt severally but she wouldn't pick up so I had to start calling my other aunt in Lagos to send me fare. I answered several questions before she sent the money and just as I was about to get home, my aunt in Ogun state called.

I explained everything that happened and she couldn't stop laughing. I was pissed and even promised not to run errands for her again but after thinking about it, I realized that I messed up.


Your aunt in Lagos had done you so well or else you would have ended up under bridge.


😂😂😂😂😂 giving is giving all shades of wild wild


Your Aunt in Ogun state trick you, she knew it quite alright that nothing was going to come out of the errand, so she used UK to trick you, but you are still a lucky person because your Aunt in Lagos rescued you and sent you the transport fare.


Lolz, meet me at Mr biggs doesn't mean to sit there or eat their sumptuous meal. You had too much expectations and it backfired 😂


It's a lesson anyways. Irrespective of what transpires, never order what you cannot comfortably afford anywhere. I've hanged out with people who claimed I was in good hands, and before I could say Jack Robinson, everywhere was deserted. I had to sort myself. We learn everyday. Thank God you had a way out from the help received.


People of such level can misbehave like say tomorrow no dey. It's best to run errands for the average than for the wealthy. Sorry.

But, please, next time, just pick up snacks
