What does $1 HIVE means for artists and creators? HIVE-VLOG #002


What a day! I woke up, looked at my phone, and HIVE was at $0.98! It’s amazing, and beautiful, and a breath of life that I’m almost too afraid to take. After almost three years or getting my hopes up, then being sucker punched, I’m cautiously optimistic, but the Hive blockchain is doing what Steemit could not. The secret ingredient, I have to believe, is decentralization. It’s fertile ground, and it’s the essence of what brought us here, from one path or another.

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

I’m trying to think of these VLOG’s are part of my actual job now. I reluctantly ease in to the chair every time, and I wish I had someone else that could do the talking. During the hostile takeover, we all saw community leaders emerge. Many of them witnesses, which I imagine is why they were elected to those positions to begin with, but others as well. Pillars of the community. It made me aware that I need to up my game, and my role in the blockchain I love. I’m not sure how much “wisdom” will be in these VLOG’s, but I have the equipment and space to shoot them, and for as long as I’m quarantined at least, it seems ridiculous not to.

In this VLOG, I talk about the lessons our history on Steemit can teach us, from scalability, incentives for the authors, content creators and community. Tools we can all leverage to increase community engagement like Communities and the SPS Proposal System. Also, the importance of following up with those we may have onboarded over the years who didn’t have as much of a reason to return to Steemit. Well, there may not be, but there couldn’t be a better time to start posting on Hive. User retention, and how build our blockchain.

▶️ 3Speak


Just saw your name after this as well. Friend of mine is into anarcho-communism.

Wrote this out while listening.

  1. Anarchism is cool. There's this power dynamic thing where my freedom ends, yours begins, type thing.

  2. ANCAPS are cool too, with that whole use the USD. You talking about your rough times without equipment post crash, you gotta diversify into USD, which I assume you're doing with Skillshare, or something?

I hope you have a youtube channel, or are you levereging all of your 3speak to build that platform?

Gotta be a difficult balance there Youtube Ad Revenue vs. Building a platform.

  1. Try not to think too much about you being in front of a screen, cause so am I.

  2. Taking profit isn't controversial.

I was thinking about this the other day -- there's sort of like accumulation and dividend cycles on an annual basis. Especially with the tax laws for long term gains vs. short term gains.

This means there's a sort of holistic cycle between staking and accumulating and posting, and investing | and taking profit / dividends, improving quality of life, or equpiment upgrades, etc.

Nice to meet you.


Love the vlog.

So true - the change is way too quick. Took a month and a half to see all these. Glad the community is buzzing with activity. :)


It's pretty awesome!

I just made another NZ$11k on Hive overnight but I expect it will drop after the Huobi promotion ends on 28th.

As of now my Hive accounts are worth NZ$43k - holy cow, that was fast!

I'm picking Hive will max out at around $1 and then drop back to about 50c for a while

But I'm then picking it to go up again when all cryptos start climbing after the Bitcoin halving in late May and fiat starts being hit hard by the inflation which is already just starting now.

That's my best guess at the moment


Hi Lars, how r u doing? I haven't commented on your post for a long time. And I'm glad to find you here. I am also surprised and happy with the price of the hive which is so uphill. Hopefully this will make hive have many users. Have a nice day, sir.


Love the vlog format man, please keep it up. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I want to show my mug and take that step here, this was pretty inspiring.


It's really a good news and amazing to see Hive price skyrock to that amount, however, there is no gurantee yet that it will still be up there for long. I personally hope it would.


I know you feel awkward but I love seeing you speak on camera about what's going on. More please!


It's definitely great to see this price increase happen... and now Binance just announced they are listing Hive, as well.

The way I see it, we have been given an "open door" and an opportunity. Now it falls to US — the community; the content creators — to build and have a community that warrants "all the fuss." We have to deliver and show the world that there actually IS something here that's worth coming for.

And that means creating the sort of community people externally will look at and say "Hey! I want to be part of that!" NOW is when the most work is at hand... and it's up to us; nobody's gonna do it for us.

But yeah, "cautiously optimistic" sounds about right...


I joined the platform that time, when steem was reaching 6$ - it was such a great feeling to create, share my works, building an interesting blog and getting nicely rewarded for that!
I had so many expectations connected with this, hope this feeling will come back now, on Hive!
Wish this to all of us!

Let's grow! Invite Your friends! Bring it out to the world so more and more investors start to make this dream come true! ;)


I was pretty shocked by the movement too. I am excited though. It is nice to see all of he hard work that we have been putting in over the years finally equating to something. I love that fact that I can hand out upvotes close to $.50 now too. That will help a lot of the smaller accounts that I follow.


I feel you for the 'talking to the camera' as everytime I almost talk myself back into getting there everyday and making the video for Youtube and possibly 3speak, if I do it, but it's not easy and it really is of itself a Job. So good on you considering all else you do.

The small I know of blockchain (and it's almost nothing) It still has such that 'taste' of freedom that I think is so lost in post modern world.


I think issue of onboarding people at the top just brings lot of posers in who will leave when value drops. I Don't think thats best way to go about it.
