Words are very precious, they should not be wasted everywhere


Some relationships in life are of blood and some people go to suck blood, some people erase themselves for your sake and some people make you a spectacle for the slightest thing.

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Don't waste being silent. The first thing is that when someone can't understand your sales from your words, can't understand your pain from your silence, never be ashamed of your words in front of him. Don't talk to someone who doesn't listen to you, don't understand someone who doesn't try to understand you.

He reads your feelings and emotions from your face, understands your need, and takes care of them, so there is no need to say anything if someone is alone with you at a party. He is describing someone's vices. Your mind is not clear about it, you don't know about it, you are in doubt, so never express your opinion about the matter until you are satisfied.

If you don't, don't ever come clean in front of anyone because your friends don't need it and your enemies will never believe you if someone shouts angrily in front of you. If he is out of your mind, don't look into his eyes at that time.

Cool anger while being a wise man solves problems If someone is emotional and is telling you about a past incident in his life sharing with his selling job listen quietly and reasonedly. Do not disturb him or try to engage him in any other conversation.
Thanks for reading my post.


Don't talk to someone who doesn't listen to you, don't understand someone who doesn't try to understand you.

This is just a simple life principle that if everyone will follow will help them

Give relevance to what gives you one.... Life is a binary👍


Thanks for reading 💘
According to my opinion this principle is very important to improve life and I should adopt it


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