Today I got One Young Citizen Card

Hello everyone. I've been sharing about #dcity every day. I had something new to share every day. Because everyday #dcity game gives me new experiences. I only play the #dcity game out of many games on the HIVE platform. Other games are interesting, but I don't spend time playing them. For me, only one game is enough.

I am not a fan of playing games. I usually spend most of my time eating tea and watching movies. Now sometimes I write letters to post on HIVE. I also play the #dcity game to earn extra income. The situation in our country is very difficult. So you can try to get income from one side. I haven't used all the money I got from HIVE. Everything you get is saved for future use. In addition to this, tokens are also collected.

In addition, all proceeds from #dcity have been reinvested. Now the value of my city (#dcity) has reached 2.4 Million of SIM. I will not stop in this situation. I'll try again. I'll build some things this way.

I only received a one citizen card today. I did not receive any cards from Traing and Chang Professional. I have been trying to increase the income level of my city lately. As mentioned before, the #dcity game has been a possession-heavy game. So we have to enter the competition. As ordinary users like us, there are still many difficulties.

That's all I want to share today. I'll see you again in the next days to share other topics.



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