RE: LMAC Round 62: Caught In The Rain

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My mother makes always a lot of cookies and she will be surprised that this year I will eat them for the first time since I was a kid 😉 I think, trying my daughter's cookies has changed my taste 😁

As said before, I hope the vaccine works, and if you choose to get a shot you won't experience any side effects.

Today my wife has told me it's time to go home and I was surprised that almost 9 hours have already been over 😉

Hope you have a nice day, dear Jo, and that it doesn't get too cold 😊

Cheers and !BEER


Christmas cookies and fruit cake are a big part of the season here. Today I did make the ginger men cookies with strawberry jelly in their belly. I used to make fruit cakes but haven't for a couple years.

I wouldn’t be getting the vaccine any time soon. Even if I wanted it, there is not enough for everyone yet. The other vaccine (Moderna) I mentioned from the U.S. is almost ready to be approved.

Good your wife keeps an eye and reminds you to finally leave the work behind and go home.😋

Have a pleasant Wednesday dear Hannes 🤗


Sounds delicious 😋
My mother used to make a similar fruitcake, which is called "Kletzenbrot", but I haven't had such in ages, and to be honest, I didn't like it that much ;)

Maybe it's better to wait until the vaccine is completely approved and save.

Wish you a wonderful Wednesday too, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER
