RE: LMAC Round 62: Caught In The Rain

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Cookies are a great gift this time of year. I've really been slacking on baking lately.

Vaccines have arrived and some distributed to each province. Not enough yet for everyone but at least it's started. Everyone seems hopeful.

We have a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning and today is going to be colder than it has been. Zero C right now but going down slightly all day.

Yes, the week will go fast when you're busy dear Hannes.

Thanks for reblog and all the goodies. Much appreciated!🤗



My mother makes always a lot of cookies and she will be surprised that this year I will eat them for the first time since I was a kid 😉 I think, trying my daughter's cookies has changed my taste 😁

As said before, I hope the vaccine works, and if you choose to get a shot you won't experience any side effects.

Today my wife has told me it's time to go home and I was surprised that almost 9 hours have already been over 😉

Hope you have a nice day, dear Jo, and that it doesn't get too cold 😊

Cheers and !BEER


Christmas cookies and fruit cake are a big part of the season here. Today I did make the ginger men cookies with strawberry jelly in their belly. I used to make fruit cakes but haven't for a couple years.

I wouldn’t be getting the vaccine any time soon. Even if I wanted it, there is not enough for everyone yet. The other vaccine (Moderna) I mentioned from the U.S. is almost ready to be approved.

Good your wife keeps an eye and reminds you to finally leave the work behind and go home.😋

Have a pleasant Wednesday dear Hannes 🤗


Sounds delicious 😋
My mother used to make a similar fruitcake, which is called "Kletzenbrot", but I haven't had such in ages, and to be honest, I didn't like it that much ;)

Maybe it's better to wait until the vaccine is completely approved and save.

Wish you a wonderful Wednesday too, dear Jo 🤗

Cheers and !BEER
