Politics - Be the change you wish to see in the world

Politics is a dirty game. That's all I ever heard when the national general elections drew close. Security consciousness would double then, teachers would ask that we return home in pairs after school while my mom would ask me not to talk to strangers, run away from any suspicious movement around me, or leave a rowdy environment.

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I have always lived in fear of politics. This is why when I was approached by the governor of my constituency to represent the class as the vice president aspirant, I shook my head vehemently and said “No!”

“Listen, Treasure, our constituency has to provide a vice president aspirant this semester, that's what the departmental constitution says”.

“I don't have any political ambitions. If you announce this on the class group chat, or maybe during the general class congress, you may see other aspirants.”

He eyed me warily and turned to our class Director of information who had accompanied.

“But Treasure,” the director of information began as if he had just been cued in. “We have come to you because we know you have the capacity to handle this position….”

“With due respect Mr DOI, I don't want to engage in anything political. The processes are too dangerous. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and walk safely on my street without someone stopping me to ask that I should step down from my seat.”

I didn't think it was funny but since they both burst into laughter, I joined in.

“You've seen too many soap operas. Departmental elections are different”

I kissed my teeth. “As if”

“Treasure, you've made a point to an extent, but I want you to know that politics is not a one-man game. If you agree to go on that seat, we'll be solidly behind you. You will have a sturdy team.”

“Is anybody going to become my personal bodyguard? You're talking about departmental elections here, not classroom elections.”

They both sat quietly for some time before the governor let out a deep sigh.

“We cannot force you, Treasure. We can only ask that you think carefully about it. We'll be leaving now. Please contact me if you change your mind”.

I watched them walk out of the empty classroom where we had sat to have the discussion. I didn't want to assume that everything was going to be fine just because they said so. I had heard so much about elections, enough to make me not want anything to do with it.

“What do they want?” my best friend's voice snapped me out of my reverie. He sat across from me and studied my face. I knew better than to lie to him when he was looking into my eyes.

“They want me to run for Vice President” I saw his face light up with a smile.


“And what? I'm not running for anything, please”.

I knew what he was going to say next but I had programmed my mind not to buy any of it. Even if I made a decision to run for vice president, it had to be because I wanted to.

“You're not scared, are you?” I looked away from him and began fiddling with my phone.

“Treasure, you should do this. There's a lot of advantage to it.”

“You've not weighed the disadvantages, have you? Politics is time and money. I don't have both”

He threw his head back and let out the loudest laughter I had heard that day.

“And who says it has to be your money? You've not heard of godfathers?”

“In this small departmental election?”

He laughed again.

“Treasure, you don't know what's going on in this world. Anyway, you're not under any pressure. Just think it through carefully.”

I didn't think there was anything to think about as I walked home that evening. I only wanted to live quietly and make impact from the pages of the books I wrote.

“There is no correcting the system, I've been in that department for three years already and nobody has done things differently. The faces change but the policies don't. They even get worse” I told my roommate as I discussed the issue with her in the house.

She was also of the opinion that I should go for the position.

“You could choose to be different, you know”

“I'm going to be the vice. There would be someone up there who would call the shots if he doesn't do the right thing, there's nothing I can do about it. Then I would be blamed for being incompetent. There is no changing the system no matter who you are”.

I like to believe that there are people who want to change the world, and maybe they will, but I prefer to change myself instead of trying to change the world.


Smiles...I feel you

It's always very hard to get to change the system that has already been in existence for years.

And if one isn't careful with time self,one might end up joining there gang.

With the influence in it. it's a good thing you avoided it though 😊


Hahaha... Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you.... The funniest thing is that once you enter, it might be difficult to not act like them..


That's literally just the sincere truth about it


Those that want to bring positive change in Nigeria may not be given the chance to do so. Only God will help African politicians


They just need to try their best to get the position so they can change the country for good. Thank you for reading.
