The song that made things worse

Hi everyone, this week @galenkp with one of the topics proposed in the Weekend-Engagement has made me remember one of the darkest times of my life, just by remembering the worst song I've ever heard I relive one of the most humiliating moments I've ever had to live, in 2007 I began to study a Bachelor's Degree in Education at a university that depended on the Ministry of Defense of my country, that is, it was a university of the armed forces, for this reason civilians could study there but apart from the subjects inherent to the career we chose, we also had to study military theory subjects and also physical practices, I hated military practices of course but I have always been committed to everything I do so even though I didn't like it I was good at it.


One of the reasons why I hated physical military practice is that I traveled daily from one city to another to attend university, for this reason I spent many hours sitting on a bus, many hours without eating and also many hours a week organizing my little time to be a good student, for defense it seemed horrible to me to also attend military practice once a week and endure walks jogging and activities in full sun, stationary walking and practices with a replica of a Light Automatic Rifle, but what bothered me the most was the attitude of the military who gave the instructions, often inconsiderately and treating us not as civilians but as cadets.

For the classes everyone had to carry a replica rifle, my brother made my wooden replica and even so it weighed a lot, obviously it didn't weigh the same as a Kalashniskov like the one used by the real cadets, but for me it weighed a lot and it bothers me to carry this on the bus. Having a stationary march for hours with that fake rifle on my shoulder was exhausting, but the worst came one day with an instructor who was a colonel or major in the army, I don't even remember his rank anymore, I just know that everyone treated him as superior. The military guy began to sing a song phrase by phrase so that we will continue the stationary march following the rhythm.


I think that all the armies in the world sing songs while they march, it's a good way to keep time at the right time, but this song was simply the most horrible song, it was a song of the reggaeton genre 🤦🏻‍♀️, that type of music that originates in Latin America and is currently known in a large part of the world and is characterized by its lyrics of a sexual nature where, in many cases, women are also objectified.

Until then I tried to be tolerant and currently I still do, I don't like that music at all but I respect the people who want to listen to it, but just as in other genres there are also songs with sexual lyrics, I believe that there are places and times that are propitious to listen to each type of music, but with reggaeton there is a problem and it is normalization, that is, people see it as normal to listen to this music in any public place in the presence of children and people of any age, that is what bothers me, so when this soldier gave The order to repeat the song while we marked the stationary march step for me was the worst humiliation.

That song has the name of Micaela and the Doctor, the song tells the story of a girl who had a very protective father and didn't let her go anywhere except for school, the song says that the girl gets sick and asks her father to take her to the doctor, but what the song says is that the girl got sick from loneliness or rather from lack of sex, so when the doctor touches each of her parts she tells the doctor where she wants him to touch her until the doctor has sex with the girl inside the office while the father is outside waiting, as you can imagine the song explains in detail everything the girl and the doctor do. Now imagine my anger and disgust when I saw that the soldier gave us the order to repeat the lyrics of that song while I was tired of the march, my anger intensified when I saw that instead of raising their voices and complaining, all my fellow students seemed to like the song and all the obscenities it said, they all marched happily singing this horrible song. From that day on I understood that I was not the same as all of them and that unfortunately I would have to put up with all that to move on, graduate and leave all those bad memories in the past, including the most horrible song I ever heard.


I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361


Getting a degree sponsored by the government (defence force) happens here also, and at the end of it the graduate needs to do a certain amount of years in the defence force to repay the favour. I think you've done something similar.

Using a song, or set lyrics, to keep cadence on the parade ground and in the field in certain training situations, is normal and sometimes those words can be offensive, I'm not sure why really, a by-product of the environment and that the military used to be male-dominated. That song wouldn't be used here though, it's a little offensive.

Thanks for sharing your story, and getting involved with the #weekend-engagement concept this week.


It's too explicit a song, I don't want to share the translation of the lyrics, I think any song would be good for a military march as long as it's not so obscene, I hate it 😄

In this university, after graduation, you have the option of continuing military life and you only take 2 years to obtain the rank of second lieutenant, but obviously I only graduated from the Bachelor's degree and did not go to the military academy.

Thanks for your comment 😊


Yep, made purely for the shock value of it I guess, there's other songs that are the same but I don't listen to them - not my thing.

Two years to 2LT isn't too bad but so many people avoid the military these days. The ADF (Australian Defence Force) sometimes struggle to fill quotas; the Army is 7,000 personnel behind quota at the moment, a concern considering the posturing China is doing. Anyway, enough of that. Thanks for getting involved today, and for your engagement.


What a terrible situation, to be practacally forced to participate in your own humiliation.


It was a terrible experience, the song is extremely explicit and horrible.

Thanks for the comment sister 🤗


Hi, I'm from Latin America and yes, Regueton is what you hear the most around here, songs like that all the time. By the way, for the community initiative I also thought of putting songs of this type, but I was embarrassed because the lyrics are very explicit, like the one you mentioned.
I'm sorry you had to sing it when you had so much rejection towards it.


you're right, but I was silent while everyone else sang, that song is horrible.

thanks for the support and comment 😃


Yeah.. It would be really awful to continue to repeat singing that song with that kind of meaning. For the case of other student, I can only make a guest but maybe there are some who enjoyed the song for what it is while there are others that just turned of their mind and fail to comprehend its meaning due to tiredness and some also feel disgusted but just chose to keep their mouth shut because of fear of authority.


It's a well-known song in my country and I think it's in all of Latin America, the lyrics are horrible but the young students liked it, that was what bothered me the most, I still don't understand what's good about listening to such an obscene song. I just kept quiet while everyone sang, not a good memory.

Thanks for your comment 😊


Wow, how uncivilised is such a culture! I dunno what kind of society they intend to make by normalising such things among student community!

I've never heard this genre of music though. Is every reggaeton song contains obscenity and use sexually explicit words or only some of them?


most of the songs of that kind of music deal with the same thing, there are few songs that don't say that kind of thing, most of them are obscene in that kind of music
I don't like that kind of music, however, people are free and can listen to what they want but I think that this type of music not should be listened to everywhere, there are also many children who listen to that music, even on public transport they play that music 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was reading this and all smiley. My face morphed into sadness as you talked about how exhausting it was carrying the wooden rifle as I felt for you how terrible it must have been and then I straight up started scowling. I would have felt so humiliated and angry having to sing such a degrading, outright disgusting song.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that dear


Thank you very much for your consideration, without a doubt it was a bad experience that I lived, fortunately I endured enough to graduate from there and leave that in the past.


Hola @irenenavarroart, de verdad lamento mucho por lo que pasaste, y no pongo en duda lo terrible que fue eso, además de lo terrible que es la letra de estas canciones tan degenerativas que exponen el sexo de esa manera, creo que todo debe ser como mencionas, ese tipo de canciones no es para escucharla en todas partes. No entrenó como hay personas que escuchan y celebrar este género musical.


Thank you very much for your comment, that day my tolerance was tested by fire, I don't know how I didn't lose control but fortunately I didn't, because the greater good was to be able to finish my studies. Hugs 🤗


El reggaetón como género musical es bastante denigrante y desagradable. Pero tristemente es muy popular en el grueso de la población.

En un país de latino América fue prohibido y me gustaría que hubiese sido algo copiado por más gobiernos, pero como dije: mucha gente disfruta de ese género.

El civismo es algo escaso y en muchos casos está mal visto. Igual debemos salir adelante y tratar de no caer en disputas por el tema.


You are right, it is better not to fall into argument on the subject, but I think there should be more respect for people in public places and within institutions.


Is that a real gun,?? we should be familiar with academy as its very important go through that stage. The military aint that bad if of cause they taught you how to hold and shoot a gun


It's just a wooden replica to practice marching moves. believe me in my country the military is no good if they serve a corrupt government and are just as corrupt

Thanks for the comment 😊


Ohhhhh thought it was a real gun is that what the military use in training? Believe me its not just your country but everywhere, they are all corrupt and want everything for themselves, that is why we all are suffering
