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winners don't quit, quitters don't win they say
A blunt truth I agree with, you never get to achieve the best when slight failure knocks you down and those who have tasted wins will always have the urge to win more, that's just how it is and that's how it will continue to be

Every step we take towards individual life will always have an impact be It a positive one or a negative one

Sometimes quitting looks like the right thing to do especially when you get knocked down several times but the truth behind it is the more you get knocked down the more you realize a new approach towards the problem

And sometimes quitting will always be the best approach, it's okay to quit sometimes
Especially when odds do not favor you but rather make you bleed

Funny how quitting can make you be tagged a coward and at the same time make you feel like you made the best decision

It was a mid-semester holiday then and I had the opportunity to intern for a loan company my thought was to go outside my field, have more experience, gain relevant skills, and be productive, little did I know it comes with a lot

Had it all prepared, I was not expecting soft work and neither was I expecting a type that will make me bleed out

This period would have been a time I could use to add value to myself individually but a little thing outside my capacity would be nice, my thoughts

So I joined for the space of 3 months and all I could say was that it was one of the worst three months I ever experienced

There was no structure In the organization and the workload was always on the interns

it was a whole lot of petty work and not the required one that would help improve

If a complaint is made we are told point blank we are just interns and we do not have the right to all that we want

What was it we wanted?
More work that aligns with the organization to make us know how things are done and most importantly achieve the aim of why we decided to intern but rather it all just a whole lot of opposite hectic stuff done like running petty errands all through the day for the bosses without having any insight on what the organization was all about

Day by day I felt there was no need to quit, I kept pushing myself to do more, that all was just part of learning but with time I realized there was no learning here but rather being used for others' benefit without even a reward

Day by day I felt only Cowards quits and I was not ready to be tagged as one but then I get to understand quitting sometimes is necessary and important

All through my stay, it was a waste of time which could have been an impactful one

I summoned courage and took a step that benefits me, I decided to quit

letting go had no negative impact but rather a positive benefit for me and it was then I realize that sometimes quitting is necessary and it's okay to quit sometimes

Here is a response to @hivelearner weekly topic about I quit


That kind of quitting doesn't make you a coward instead, you took the right decision for a better opportunity elsewhere , instead of wasting your precious time running errands.


Yeah and its the best one
Thank you for dropping by
