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We all are the product of our decisions, every decisions we take has huge or little importance on who we are becoming, who we become, or who we would like to be

It has no two ways, decisions we take always have a role either immediately or later and these decisions has influences by friends, family or things

Influence has a great way of changing people's opinions, character, behavior, and choices.
it's one effect we emulate from people who we move with, sit with, talk to, and keep as friends
And how it happens is always swift you would not even notice you are changing not until people around you tell you how far this change has either moulded you or destroyed you

This balls back to our circle of influence,the point at which different people with different doings, and characters have an impact on the decisions we take and how well we move in life depends on our circle of influence

In every aspect of our lives we meet people, even from the moment we start growing, people who shape you, people who shatter us, and also people who neglect us

And these people have either positive or negative impacts

To these people that brought a positive impact on my life I would always be grateful and to those who tried the opposite thank God, I did not fall

Here is a post to thank those with a positive influence on my life

My parent will always be the first ones, they are the ones who planted seeds of good things, I spent more time with them and all through the time they impacted good things that is building my growth in all ramifications
with them comes good morals
with them comes a hunger for success
with them comes hard work as a vital feature

Another person on this list is my junior secondary school friend

This dude has one way of telling you hard things are not hard and makes you see from his perspective

So no matter how hard it may look, you already have the mentality of it being simple and whenever you move towards it with such mentality it becomes very easy to conquer
Truly our mindset has one way of helping us conquer problems

Samuel planted this trait in me and I tend to always see everything with ease
It showed forth in my academics that year that in all subjects I tackle them with a mentality that they all are easy
Even with the very hard ones that can be hard

This mentality I grew up with and it has been of great help even to my tertiary institution to see all courses as an easy peasy one

We became very close during high school and his influence rubbed on me which was a positive addition to me

We finished high school and different tertiary institutions made us move separate ways
we lost contact with time and every day, I'm always thankful for how he helped with such a mentality to tackle problems
Truly those you move with can build or break you

To the very one who always reminds me about God and how there is need to align with him.

Timothy a friend I met here in higher institution, who we've been close from the very beginning

His counsel and advice would always be to put God in everything we do and that has been of advantage to both of us

He also played an important role in my strong belief in God and so far that has been a great addition to me and both of us

To the very one who believes in consistency and never backing down no matter how many times you get kicked down Joel

Joel is a friend I met here in my tertiary institutions and his consistency to everything has rubbed on me that in whatever I find doing I include consistency

Truly circle of influence is important, it builds, especially when you get the right one


on a general note, growth does truly come from being positively nourished as well, the opposite is clearly seen from people who spread their toxicity around because they weren't raised to know any different. thanks for sharing this uplifting read ☺️
