5 Reason I Love Having Chickens!


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Reasons you should keep chickens:

  1. less food waste because they will eat a majority of your food scraps
  2. bug control! Chickens will eat the bugs in your yard even ticks and fleas.
  3. their manure is fertilizer
  4. they are a food source from eggs to meat
  5. you won’t be subject to rising egg prices

I am a firm believer that chickens are a wonderful gateway animal to self sufficiency. Even having two backyard hens is a great start!

Do you have chickens?

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When I was young, my parents owned chickens, we had about twenty and a rooster who thought he owned the world! I loved them - they weren’t typical pets, but they were just great companions, and it was a thrill being able to collect all of the eggs every day. I never tired of it! My sister and I were on a rotation - alternate days, and the day when it was her turn was excruciating. I would try and convince her to let me collect them. (Usually without success!)

Now I have kids of my own and we don’t live in a semi-rural area, but my daughter has been showing a real interest in having a pet, and I’ve been thinking of getting a few chickens for most of the reasons you listed here. You may just have convinced me to look into it a bit more seriously - particularly because of the rising egg costs.

Thank you for taking me on a trip down memory lane!


Dang, those goats and chickens are rude. "Quiet on the set!"
Another fun and informative video, thank you @gubbatv.
