Revenge is served cold, like iced coffee

"Good morning, Josh, how are you?"

"Hi, Danny!"

"Someone woke up in a good mood... and here I thought opening the coffee shop was going to make you hate me."

They both laughed.

"Not at all! You know I love to prepare everything in the morning, it's very calm."

"Hey, my niece taught me the recipe for a coffee-infused cocktail that an influencer she follows created, you should try it. I'll show you the video."



As Josh finished making the decoration for his latte, Danny stood next to him and played the video loud enough for both of them to hear, the barista's hands stopping moving seconds after hearing the voice of the woman in the video, who began to talk about the recipe. When the milk overflowed the cup in which Josh was preparing his coffee, starting to make a mess on the floor, Danny immediately moved away to avoid being splashed, becoming aware of the state his friend was in.

"Josh, are you okay? Talk to me."

"That... that... she..." He stammered, astonished. "She stole my recipe!"

"Who, Miss Magic Coffee?"

"Wait, who?" He looked at him, more confused.

"That's what she calls herself, my niece keeps talking about her."

"Forget it." Placing the cup roughly on the counter, Josh reached for a cloth with which he could wipe up the mess he'd made. "I can't believe she stole a family recipe from me! That ungrateful demon got to know what good coffee is thanks to me and my family, how dare she do something like that to us?"

"Let me get this straight... that woman in the video is stealing a coffee-infused cocktail recipe from your family."

"She's my ex-girlfriend okay? I'm not proud to say it, but I dated her for two years before I found out she's one of the most manipulative people I've ever met in my life, plus she was cheating on me for a year with one of her sister's husband's friends."

"Well, how about you write him and tell him to tell the truth?"

Josh looked at him like he was crazy.

"The real world doesn't work like that, Danny, just because you're a good person doesn't mean everyone is. She has no conscience, she's evil incarnate."

"So what are you proposing, set her up and have her take the blame herself?" He joked.

"That's it!" Josh pointed out euphorically. “Give me your phone." He asked him, holding out his hand.

"What are you going to do with my phone?" He asked dubiously, but giving it to him anyway.

"I'm going to write her a message from the coffee shop's Instagram account telling her that we're very excited to start an ad campaign and are very interested in having her be the image...inflating her ego is the best strategy to get her to come. On second thought, I'll also tell her that we have a new recipe for an iced coffee that we want her to advertise."

"Are you sure he's going to answer?"

"She already has." He replied, smiling complacently.

"That was… fast. So?"

"So, my dear Danny, tomorrow at this very hour we will have a very special guest in our business and by the end of the day everyone should know that recipe was never invented by her."

Even though Josh knew he was doing the right thing for him and his family by seeking justice, he couldn't help but feel bad when he placed the recording camera in a strategic position right in front of the table where they would be seated, which in company with the microphone attached to the underside of the table, would gather enough evidence. Some of that guilt vanished when he saw the woman from his nightmares walk through the cafeteria door with a triumphant smile on her face, one that changed to a grimace as the two connected gazes.

"I've never believed in coincidences, Josh, so we'd better save the games and tell me what's going on."

"My boss, Danny, thought it would be a good idea to hire you for the business ad campaign... too bad he didn't consult me, otherwise I would have told him it's bad to deal with witches."

Letting out a laugh, the woman approached the table where Josh was sitting and set her things down on it, sitting gracefully across from him.



"Are you still upset about what happened, Joshy?" She teased.

"Don't call me that, Monica." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Let's not waste any more time, I know you brought me here because of the recipe, where's the camera?" She asked, looking around.

"What are you talking about?" He played dumb.

"Aw Josh, you were always too predictable, I bet you have a microphone under the table."

Although Josh tried to avoid it, Monica leaned over to look under the table, laughing as she found the microphone, which she ripped out and stuffed into one of the water bottles she had in her purse, drowning it so it would stop working. Rising from his chair, he walked straight to the camera, grabbing it with one hand as she smiled at it, blowing a kiss and finally turning it off.

"Look, I'm really sorry I stole the recipe from your family but they should be thanking me, otherwise no one would have ever enjoyed it."

"My grandmother trusted you!"

"Why do you think I named the recipe after her? It's called 'Bold Anne' for a reason."

Grabbing her things, Monica headed for the exit.

"It's too bad your plan didn't work."

Once she left, Josh looked over at the counter.

"You got it?" He asked.

"Of course I do." Danny replied, showing him his phone. "The microphone next to you picked up everything perfectly."

"Let's let her enjoy her victory for now while we toast with an iced coffee. Then we bring her down."

"Revenge is served cold... like cold coffee."

"Okay Danny, that was bad."

#STB Creative Writing Prompt 27


Miss Magic Coffee was not as cunning as she thought, she will have a cold revenge like herself.


That's what happens when people get overconfident, now she will have to assume the consequences of his actions.

Thank you very much for reading and commenting.


I liked the story, although I felt sad when the thief found the microphone, then I was relieved to know that everything was recorded hahaha.


I couldn't let Monica get away with it could I? Too many injustices in the world not to try to bring some justice, even in the fictional world.

There's something beautiful about seeing that your enemies will fall because they underestimated you, Josh is going to prove that he wasn't as predictable as his ex thought.


Haha! I got goosebumps reading this.
What a title heh? ... with a brilliant story behind it.
She was the best thing Josh ever had!
Evil witch, indeed!



Worst of all, in the real world there are people like that, who take advantage of people's goodness and feel no remorse for using them.

It's a good thing we had a happy ending here.


Oooooooo I've been amazed with this, my skin felt that adrenaline of those points that tightened little by little in the story, "influencer!" That part was eye catching, why hire it, the ending of the story is, engaging and also that point where the plot turned in one context, revenge is sweet, but I think not very good.

We humans are so strange at times.... I liked that you gave Monica and Josh personality.


What is one of the biggest weaknesses of those who call themselves influencers? Ego!

Thanks for the compliment, sometimes it's hard with a word limit but I try my best to make both the story and the characters have that unique personality.


That is somewhat true, but there is also something behind it, they are also human beings and that is one of the deadly weaknesses, reason, they get carried away by a stereotype they create, every person is weak with something. 🙈

It's very complex, I really liked that conjugation of words, and for some reason I remembered universoperdido and soldierofdreams. I love it, it has a lot of identity and that makes it very strong; although it is difficult to weave a story in 1000 words, everything is possible as long as emotions are poured in each sentence, I saw that here. 💟


Absolutely! Revenge is best served cold! You took this to an entirely new level. Brilliantly done. The microphone “play” was a touch of genius; very cute!
