¡Feliz 24 de Junio Venezuela! / Happy June 24th Venezuela! [Esp / Eng]


English version below

Saludos a toda la comunidad. Espero estén pasando un muy buen fin de semana. La semana estuvo muy activa y todos la disfrutamos de distinta manera y sin duda alguna el fin de semana sirve para un pequeño break, sumar más energías y comenzar otra semana con mucha fuerza. Si, tienes que trabajar o haces algo que no te agrada mucho, espero todo te salga muy bien. De antemano, agradezco que hayas dedicado algo de tu tiempo para ver mi post.


El día de hoy nuestro amado país está celebrando una fecha que vale la pena recordar. El 24 de Junio de 1821 fue el día que se libró la Batalla de Carabobo.

Aunque no fue la última batalla, esta fue la más importante que se libró en suelo venezolano porque esta condenaría al ejército español y ya con tanta sangre derramada, batallas, temores e historia, Venezuela podría reclamar al fin su libertad.

No recuerdo muy bien los detalles de la batalla, me comprometo a rememorarlos mejor. Pero, lo que más recuerdo son a mis profesores como narraban los acontecimientos de la batalla. No era tan literal sino más bien poético con un brazo ocupado por un libro y el otro danzando al son de una espada y de repente se agachaba para disparar un fusil hacia uno de nosotros y un ruido en forma de disparo nos llamaba la atención de nuevo. Era algo que embelesaba y con la imaginación de un niño, te podías ver en la batalla con tus propios ojos, corriendo a rescatar a alguien o llevarle noticias a Bolívar que montaba su hermoso caballo blanco.

Sin entrar en tanto debate, este tipo de fechas históricas nos recuerdan de donde venimos, qué hicimos para llegar hasta donde estamos y debería darnos una idea hacia donde nos dirigimos. La escencia de nuestro ADN, del porqué somos como somos, está ahí, está en nuestra historia. Hemos sido traicioneros, cobardes, injustos y hasta malagradecidos y esto lo digo rememorando algunas cosas que recuerdo de nuestra historia y algunas de esas actitudes, las conservamos hoy en día. Algunos leen la historia y la usan para traer lo malo (el sometimiento, la dejadez, la viveza) a nuestro presente y esto es bastante triste. Sin embargo, no solo somos eso. También, somos alegres, muy amigables, confianzudos, trabajadores, optimistas, somos personas del mundo (no solo de Venezuela)... esto también lo pueden ver desde nuestra historia, hasta lo que somos hoy. Me acuerdo, a varios de nuestros presidentes (de los buenos) que salían del país para traer un poco de Francia, un poco de Italia, un poco de Estados Unidos a Venezuela. Los pensamientos, de que podemos estar cada vez mejor y de que podemos mejorar a los nuestros. Los buenos que han salido, se han preocupado por darle bienestar a los suyos que se han quedado siguiendo la historia.

Aunque me imaginé varios ejemplos negativos, me alegro de que existan muchos más ejemplos positivos en nuestra historia y que enorgullece decir conservamos fielmente.

Nuestro cerebro está diseñado para rememorar las cosas más feas primero y esto por nuestro instinto de supervivencia. Al final, no queremos vivir esa experiencia nuevamente. Así que, recordar lo feo es muy fácil, pero hagamos el esfuerzo de recordar también lo bueno, no olvidemos las cosas buenas que nos ocurren y que ocurrieron en nuestra historia. Este 24 de Junio es una fecha para rememorar las consecuencias de la lucha, PARA REMEMORAR QUE SOMOS LIBRES.

Feliz día Venezuela.

Greetings to all the community. I hope you are having a great weekend. The week was very active and we all enjoyed it in different ways and undoubtedly the weekend is good for a little break, add more energy and start another week with a lot of strength. If you have to work or do something you don't like very much, I hope everything goes very well. In advance, I thank you for taking the time to see my post.


Today our beloved country is celebrating a date worth remembering. June 24, 1821 was the day the Battle of Carabobo was fought.

Although it was not the last battle, this was the most important one fought on Venezuelan soil because it would condemn the Spanish army and with so much blood shed, battles, fears and history, Venezuela could finally claim its freedom.

I do not remember the details of the battle very well, I promise to remember them better. But, what I remember most are my professors as they narrated the events of the battle. It was not so much literal but rather poetic with one arm occupied by a book and the other dancing to the sound of a sword and suddenly he would bend down to fire a rifle at one of us and a noise in the form of a gunshot would draw our attention again. It was spellbinding and with the imagination of a child, you could see yourself in the battle with your own eyes, running to rescue someone or bring news to Bolivar riding his beautiful white horse.

Without going into so much debate, this kind of historical dates remind us of where we come from, what we did to get to where we are and should give us an idea of where we are headed. The essence of our DNA, of why we are the way we are, is there, it is in our history. We have been treacherous, cowardly, unjust and even ungrateful and I say this remembering some of the things I remember from our history and some of those attitudes we still have today. Some people read history and use it to bring the bad (the subjugation, the laziness, the liveliness) to our present and this is quite sad. However, we are not only that. We are also cheerful, very friendly, trusting, hardworking, optimistic, we are people of the world (not only of Venezuela)... you can also see this from our history, to what we are today. I remember several of our presidents (the good ones) leaving the country to bring a little bit of France, a little bit of Italy, a little bit of the United States to Venezuela. The thoughts that we can be better and better and that we can improve our own. The good ones that have left, have been concerned about giving welfare to their own who have remained following history.

Although I imagined several negative examples, I am glad that there are many more positive examples in our history that we are proud to say we have faithfully preserved.

Our brains are designed to remember the ugliest things first and this because of our survival instinct. In the end, we don't want to live that experience again. So, remembering the ugly is very easy, but let's make the effort to also remember the good, let's not forget the good things that happen to us and that happened in our history. This June 24th is a date to remember the consequences of the struggle, TO REMEMBER THAT WE ARE FREE.

Happy day, Venezuela.


Happy Freedom day! I hope you throw a great party! (and post pictures and recipes...) 🎉

South American history is sadly lacking in our primary education here in Sweden. To be fair, we don't get a lot of North American history either, nor Asian or African or even Eastern European. Maybe there is something at college level, but then you'd have decide to take history classes. It wouldn't be included in say the math or physics programs, even though at least some basic knowledge about the world should be mandatory regardless of the major IMO 🤷


Hello my friend.

I agree with you and I think now much more because we are just a click away. Knowing a little of the culture of others, can help a lot in relationships and also avoid many misunderstandings. Here in Venezuela, we study world history, but I'm like you, we need more programs that lead us to know more about other countries.

I recently saw the news of a very special educational program that was being carried out in Japan and practically one of the subjects that were fundamental for the children to learn was to be globalized, to be the first offspring to master multiple languages and to have several nationalities, to be literally citizens of the world.

Once again, thank you very much for stopping by one of my posts.



That sounds like a great program, all countries should have it!

But instead some of the politicians here are working to stop the foreign language education for children with immigrant parents. They want the kids to learn only Swedish and English! It's so stupid. As far as I recall, the language lessons were less than an hour a week, and outside school hours, so it's not like they missed some other class. Those parents will one day grow old, possibly forget a lot of the Swedish they have aquired, and need care and help from people who do speak Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, German and so on. And new immigrants, let's welcome them and explain Sweden in a language they understand!

