Looking for the sunshine-2

It happens that I love my pictures immediately after viewing them on the camera display. But it so happens that it takes a while for me to love the photographs I have taken.

When you get to know some truth in photography, go up a step, then you simply cannot shoot in a different way, in the old way.

Of course, all those old tricks remain in the muscle memory of the index finger, which presses the button.

Of course, all the old experience has been preserved in consciousness in the form of reactions and responses to the surrounding reality.

But when you know how it can be better, then the hand does not rise to make it worse.

Although in reality everything is simple!

Why, at the beginning of any creative or even life path, everyone complicates everything, and then goes a long and difficult path in order to discard all the difficulties and simplify everything?

It seems to me like a diamond.

In nature, a diamond can exist for a long time, but in order for it to become a piece of jewelry, it needs to be cut.

You need to cut off a lot to make the stone a diamond.

If you attribute this to photography, then you do not need to think about the plot or the meaning of the content of the picture.

Only spots and color combinations, only lines and geometrical figures, only physics!

And chemistry will follow from physics.

Love, too, first begins with physical attraction to each other.

Then chemical processes in the form of hormones begin to take place and so-called love arises.

But it will be unrealistically difficult to start right away with spots of color and light, you need to go through the basics stage.

And then there is the third side of perception - metaphysics. Few succeed in doing this.
