Stressed but committed to balancing offline Job and Hive


Last month, I started a new job offline, and my stress level went up. If it was just running the job and nothing more that wouldn't be a problem for me. But I have to always be present on Hive and in the city because my friends are here and there and letting them go feels weird and completely odd.
Therefore, squeezing in time to do my bit by publishing a post and interacting in the comment section as well as interacting with my friends in the city is sincerely stressful. Sometimes I don't usually have the strength to write anymore by the end of the day. And even on those days, I get some rest, hoping to write something in the morning doesn't usually work at all times.

Even the mere thought of how I am declining and making myself look un-serious when everyone around me is picking up the pace and building their account stresses me out. I wouldn't be too perfect to be able to juggle my job and my account, but I could try. However, my mind says I should try but my body says otherwise.

My job starts at 7:30 am and ends somewhere around 10:00 pm, so you can imagine the less time I have for any other thing. So it's not getting easy and I keep having these thoughts of letting one thing go and sticking to the other. I'll try for a few days and then suddenly miss Hive and my city friends, and run back to everything on chain.

Dealing with this stressful period of my life is not coming in as easy as I thought it would. I had imagined writing in the morning right before I prepare for work or doing it after I return from work. But my thoughts and reality clash every day as I continue to watch myself fail to accomplish any of that goals consistently.

At this point, I am already considering, not trying to write every day but at least a few days a week. Then visiting my city friends a few times a week as well. And finally engaging on Hive a few times a week too. This week I am trying to see how that will go, and if it will help me feel less stress about juggling everything at once.

I am hoping that there will be an improvement on my part and that the fact that I do not have to stress about writing every day will take some weight off my shoulders. And I'll be able to navigate building my account and getting my paycheck without disrupting too much of my experiences.

It's clear that I won't be able to get rid of the things that give me stress. I can't throw away my Hive account for my offline job and at the same time, I can't skip my offline job for Hive. Both of them are important.

I need to write and engage so I can build even a bit of crypto as the world is slowly moving into digitalization. I don't want to miss out on the revolution. So I'll rather have a pie of the cake when everything takes shape than stay on the sidelines watching the rest of the people who embraced blockchain and the concept of decentralization earlier.

Therefore, my Hive account is as important as my offline job. In fact, my Hive account is more important, so I have to do what I have to do to keep it moving, no matter how slow the progression is, I am sure it will be worth it in the end.

PS: all images are mine.


Wow, what a long work hours. 7:30am to 10PM is a lot, the stress of working non stop till that hour would discourage me taking up such job o.

I fully understand the point you are making about trying to juggle everything, looking at time factor, is not easy at all but effective planning would help. The Lord is your strength dear friend.


Lol. It's really a long hour but an idle mind is the devil's workshop so I choose to do it to escape being the devil's advocate 😁😂

Thank you for your support, @marynn 🥰🥰


Hehehe i have been here too but Omo I gave up my offline job for hive ni oh, hive pays me more than my offline job and as your teenager which I am, I think 🤔 that is why I quitted, my parents still feeds me and you are a boss on your own lol, if you dont work no food lol 😂. So I understand why you have to endure everything and make things work out lol, I know how this feels coz I have been there and mine was more of laborer job, carry 50kg of sugar everyday and still blogging everyday was crazy and also chatting and engaging was also very stressful but sooner all my plan fell into place and here I am , you are doing well dear keep doing your best…


Lol. I am glad you could relate....haha.. it's true.. no work... No food ooo..

It's okay that you have mom, it gives you plenty of time to build your account as you are already doing. I am proud of you 🥰🥰

I'll do my best. Thank you, dear @quduus1 😘😘


That working hour is too long. I hope they are paying you well oo

I can relate to that kind of stress. Are you allowed to use your phone at work?
If yes, then it's better, during the day you can do small thing on hive. If no, ahh! It will be difficult.

It is well with you sis


Lol. I steal time to use my phone. That's why I am on and off in the city. But it is well as you said. Thank you dear.


I think we have all came across this kind of issues but the most important part is we find a way to balance the both because I wouldn't ask you to give up any of the two, they both have their purpose and significance.

Though it is advisable to reduce number of times you write per week in order to substitute it for other activities because writing is meant to be fun not add to stress or become a source of pressure.


It's true dear. That's why I have decided to reduce my writing days and go with the flow instead of stressing out trying to do daily writings. Thank you for your support.


Which work do you do offline that makes you begin at 7 am and ends by 10 pm? Wow...such long hours and I wonder how one would be able to manage Hive too. This is one reason I want to work from home and enjoy the flexibility but in another way, I want to work offline and mingle with friends. Lol

It is not easy but when we have a goal to achieve, we will surely find ways to cope with the stress that comes after a hard day. I wish you the best, dear.


Wow! 7am to 10 pm? That too long.
The only way around this is to just balance and find a time to write and engage on hive.


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