Love Thy Neighbor and the Meaning of Life

Sometimes religion can fill the need, that human need to find meaning to it all. What is the meaning of life? Does it have anything to do with the heart? Sometimes. The heart is such a complex little contrivance. Then again, on days like this, when my heart is full of love? There are just so many words that spill over on top of each other, looking for a way to fit in. People across the globe, have been coming together to help each other in ways that I have never witnessed before. They weren't even asked to, it weighed on their heart and suddenly, the world is exploding with love and shelter. I look around my house tonight and wonder how it would feel to be chased from your home. Your home. It gives me chills to think about it. I have the utmost respect for those that stayed behind in Ukraine, it felt right for them to do so and I support those thoughts. I willingly donate money and know that all these little bits combined will help. The mad push for donations has slowed, I can see, but, the need has not. The meaning of life. Love they neighbor. Always.

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This was a picture taken a few weeks ago. A very short time in the scheme of things. It looks cold and the trees look nekkid. Today, you wouldn't recognize it, so much change. In the blink of an eye, life can change for any one of us, through sickness, death, natural disaster, or even war. Nobody is immune. Just look how Covid has changed the world. Whether we believe they handled it the right way or wrong way, we are saddled with it. It changed life as we know it. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The golden rule, if you will. As my mother, and probably yours would say, treat others as you would want to be treated. So, if I have extra money, clothes to donate, or personal items that may be needed? I will give. If I thought it would help end it? I would give all the money I had. It is only as good as how you put it to use.

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I have asked God and whoever else up there that is listening if we can have a renewal of sorts, because, honestly? I think the world can use one. It has been forever and a day that we have sat in a circle and sang Kumbaya. I'm willing to do it for a little bit of peace, aren't you? I can get online and chat with friends all over the world. You, me... we get along, we could be neighbors and yet, the politics of our countries just don't mesh. Is that what is stopping us from being happy? World peace. Sounds ridiculous, but, how I long for a little bit of that. How about you?

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We hold the world in our hands, you and me. Let's take good care of it and each other. I am here for you and hopefully, if I ever need help, you will be here for me. Isn't that the way life works? Again I say, love thy neighbor. We are all neighbors here.


If your life is in darkness, reach out to someone, so that a light can be shined for you, now. you can see the light. We are all in this thing called life together. People don't ignore people in need. Needs are also different than wants. Wanting a bigger, better, nicer something is not the same as being safe, being nourished properly or needing emergency medical care. Wants/Needs. So very different.

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The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me. Blossoms coming right out of the tree trunk. Humans constantly amaze me. What they do when they need to. Without being asked. Just knowing. There are people here on Hive that amaze me, day in and day out. Selfless, heroic, inspiring.

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.





they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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Note: The World/Hands I have found hundreds of them online and cannot find a proper source. If anyone is able to source it for me, I would appreciate it.


You are so right @dswigle the world most definitely needs a redo. We need to love and care for each other more, there are still beautiful people like you in the world, thank God.My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people. Thank you for a heart warming post.


Thank you for reading me! 💖 I feel so bad for any nation that has hardships, but for the Ukraine? My heart.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!


I wrote that as I was headed off to bed at almost 1 or 2 am. I am so gutted by our world right now, the redo is a must. It is harsh to know that there are people (and somehow always have been) people in the world who have an alarming situation to have to deal with. Nothing can be fixed in a simple way. It is work to make it all go together, but, not too much to ask. I don't want to leave a world behind for my kids to have to fix.

Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. ❤️


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 100 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Sometimes religion can fill the need, that human need to find meaning to it all.

I would rather say "faith" instead of "religion". You do not need religion to have faith.

What is the meaning of life?

Love and enjoyment.

You, me... we get along, we could be neighbors and yet, the politics of our countries just don't mesh. Is that what is stopping us from being happy? World peace. Sounds ridiculous, but, how I long for a little bit of that. How about you?

Politics, corruption, stealing, discrimination. Those are the reasons why many people are unhappy.

We hold the world in our hands, you and me.

And millions are stomping on it, as if they would be angry at it, and I can understand them at some level. The amount of injustuce in this world is simply ridiculous.

Needs are also different than wants.

Very true, but the politicians and the government does not care about us, who are in need. They just fill their own pockets. We can suffer on any level, they do not care about it.

Fortunately/luckily there are friendly, kind and generous people out there, who care. You are one of them.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


You can say faith, I just used religion and you still knew what I meant. :) I cannot go against what you say, but, I don't always feel so strongly about the anger and hatred as you do. My rose-colored glasses try to see the positive in some of it. To do otherwise would make me cynical about the world and no matter what, I don't want to be that person. I would rather work on a solution than be at constant odds with everything around me.

Are you wrong? Not for your situation, so I don't dispute your word.

But I gotta be me and I will always try to look for a solution rather than adding to the problem.

Have a great day!


What positive vibes I get from reading you! It was the last reading of the day, time to go to sleep here in Cuba! Sending you a hug, my dear. Thank you for your beautiful post💫


I'm in Washington DC! I am off fot the night. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.

Good night!


That's so true, if we don't care then who will care?
Life is unpredictable, so if we are are living fine, we should not forget to help those in pain and in distress , the light help we render will go a long way..

Who are the world? Definitely we are the world,so we can still make the world a better place by what we do.


Who are the world? Definitely we are the world,so we can still make the world a better place by what we do.

Definitely! Every little bit helps, no matter how small, if it is leading in the right direction, we can keep that moving.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


The poem at the end of your inspiring post says it all, it hurts everywhere. As a child, I watched a program once where a man faced a group of children and asked, "who is your neighbour? Everyone around you anywhere you go is your neighbour." That's how that definition stuck in my small mind.

Just as we hurt the world, it's also up to us to fix and make the world better. A little kindness can make a world of difference. You are such a kind soul and your words are inspiring, as always. ☺️

If only everyone lived by the golden rule, there would be less hurt and more peace. Thanks for this lovely and motivating post. I hope you are doing well. Have a good night! !LUV 🙂


The poem at the end of your inspiring post says it all, it hurts everywhere

One of my favorite poems for when the world hurts. I just don't understand people. Most people I know want harmony and look for peaceful resolutions. Seems just the Political heads are the unhappy ones. Of course, that isn't quite true, but, I am pretty sure that Ukraine wouldn't have been invaded if Putin was leading the charge. Our leaders are not leaders, just heads of State. Well, enough battering the leaders.

I just want peace. It isn't that hard. It is our job to fix the mess we made. One problem at a time. We can do it. I don't want to leave this world in such a mess for my children. What I leave to them should not be like this.

The Golden Rule would be less hurt and more peace. I have to agree. I am doing well - thanks for asking and I hope you are too!



Feelings of empathy should be felt by everyone, but yet there are so many who have so little respect for life that they can reason away the atrocities they inflict.

I believe that the number of good and decent people far outnumber the bad, but yet our voices are seldom heard. Governments do what they do with little respect for what the populous would have. Where have the moral leaders of nations gone. Have they also been corrupted by the riches that persuade so many to do the unthinkable.

It is truly in giving that we receive. For those of us who are in the situation to give, be it prayer, money, our time, or necessary items that we take for granted, let us not turn a blind eye to those less fortunate.

We will all be judged by our actions and with all that is going of in this world we all need to do what we can. Inaction and turning a blind eye is what perpetuates hatred and division among us humans.

where does it hurt? everywhere, everywhere, everywhere

So true and so very sad!


It is truly in giving that we receive.

If only more people saw that. Many just see giving as taking away from them. Seriously? I can honestly say that these are not giving from the heart. Do you ever look at it as taking away from your own pile of gold? Me neither. I bask in the glow of how good it feels to help out if only a tiny bit.

There are a lot of decent people but, I feel like some of them are being silenced by corrupt leaders or perhaps in retaliation for their views. Sadly, not everyone who believes in the right thing can do the right thing. Especially when you have family and you are protecting them.

I am sad to think that if I unexpectedly died tomorrow that this is the world I would leave my children.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving always well said words. Have a great day!



Giving what you can should come naturally. If one is able to give, whatever the amount, means that YOU are in a pretty good place. Things can turn on a dime and one day we all may be in a situation where a little charity may go a long way in making our life a little better.

There's a band called the Alan Parsons Project and the song "Can't Take it With You" should be something we all should realize. Heck, even King Tutankhamun couldn't do that even though he tried, having his riches entombed with him.

Thank you for the LUV!


I totally agree with mother @dswigle let's take care of the world and also the nature around us, and in living in the world we help each other


We do need to take care of the world! I don't want to leave this mess for my children!

I hope you are having a great day!


You bring me to tears, your writting inspires me to be better. I pray and hope your messages reaches the ends of the earth. May the Lord bless you with every step you take.

Truly Denise, spread the word.




I read this and couldn't answer right away. You made me feel so loved. I guess that is so emotional for me. Your words touched my soul. You are such a rare and beautiful human being. xoxo

Thank you. Truly. ❤️



Putin has caught power for 20 years …


Spring coming on over there it's looking so sweet with all that blooming going on 😊


Thank you! Thankfully, spring has sprung!


We can be expecting many colorful flower post from you soon I will be looking forward to them 😊
