A New Painting in my Animal Series : Miss Abagail Thumper


Miss Thumper had been Christened Abagail, but being a ladie's companion her name Christian name was almost never uttered. Whether by footman or her lady companion, 'Miss Thumber' had all but become her moniker.

The sketch without color

She didn't really mind being a companion. She was even fond of her lady companion, who really was a third cousin, but when one was so far branched out on the 'poorer cousin' branch of the family tree, it hardly signified.

Today she had the morning to herself, which really she had most. Her lady always slept in and she was up with the chamber maids, often out into the grounds collecting up bits of fauna and flora to sketch in her little journals.

They were lined up like the years of her life, neatly leather bound on her little shelf in the tiny room attached to her lady's.

Really, Abagail Thumper didn't mind being a lady's companion at all.

The various layers in GIF form.

I'm rather sad to have been absent a week from here. I've so come to look forward to my 'hive time', but alas my work at my little cottage has been non stop. I've lost my handyman (he turned out to be not very reliable) and I'm stuck again doing all the things before the rental season.

I've been painting walls, building furniture, cutting and installing trim, really wanting to make a big refresh for the coming season.


However, I made time last night to sit with a pot of tea and have fun making a new character and I hope you like her. Sometimes I feel like a companion to my own life, working away quietly and storing away bits of my days on the page.

I hope you like Abagail, that is Miss Thumper, and that you find a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions.

If you'd like to follow my Work Here are some Links:

My Ladies with Pets Series as prints and on things

Bunny Portraits

