RE: The Gamer Dilemma | Players Fight Against NFTs In Video Games


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If you really want the issue a lot of people have with NFT's in gaming, other than shitty companies and shitty business practice, is that no one has ever suggested something of value that an NFT actually adds.

Even your example of a sanctioned in game market place has no need for NFT's to exist, Diablo 3 already had that with an in-game market place that used real money for players to trade items among each other. Thing is, even though you technically own the NFT, it's still going to be worthless if the games servers ever shut down.

Even though you just said they are the next Evolution, you haven't even proposed any real use an NFT has to a game that is actually going to enhance the experience in a way that will actually enhance the experience.

I'm not even against the idea of NFT's, but the problem is in part the people who defend them have never actually showcased any actual use it is going to have in gaming, and any time someone does seem to stick up for them it is always something to do with it's monetary value to whoever owns it, you know, not something that actually makes a game better.


it's still going to be worthless if the games servers ever shut down.

Not always the case and there are a few ways the item holds value to the player.

I had a game I was playing that shutdown. It was early access and it happens. The NFTs were in my blockchain wallet not just in that game. I can still trade them on a few different markets on that blockchain. They are now viewed as collector items and they never printed the amount that was expected.

On top of that, if they become worthless or I choose to not sell them. They will be there forever as a memento regardless of the game's servers being shut down for good. If I do sell them my wallet will forever be shown as being an owner at one point in time of that item.

never actually showcased any actual use it is going to have in gaming

This post was never about making such a case as it’s quite an easy one to make. This post is more about dunking on a few people for getting pissy over the word NFT.

As far as the real use case is as follows. A way to verify on public recorded how many items are in existence, who owns them, and that they have not been duplicated exploited into the game. In addition to what wallet created that item and any other metadata that can be collected to determine if foul play was involved in that player acquiring that item.

Diablo 3

As far as D3 went they had a heavy handicap on who was permitted to sell/buy, the amount, and what could be done with those funds afterword's. Many higher-end items were sold on the black market on a fairer playing ground.

NFTs on the other hand if they are real are something that can be sent to a wallet and sold on multiple different exchanges. While the game developer might have an internal market for easy of use if it's not a fair people tend to create create competition and options for the player to sell elsewhere.


HOlding onto something as a Memento is nice, but it's not something you can really attribute much worth too. It's like a Beanie baby in that regard. Sure, there are some people who care, but most people who think a lot of this NFT stuff is dumb probably also think the prices being paid for physical collector stuff is dumb. It has value only to collectors. As a personal momento it may have sentimental value, but that's not really something that you need an NFT for. Even looking purely at something digital you could easily hold on to emails, screenshots, or anything of the sort. This isn't something unique NFT's bring to the table. Doesn't change that a game shut down isn't going to be able to make use of that NFT.

And the Diablo 3 market place was bad, but that had more to do with the insane rarity of item drops. Make getting gear as NFT's just as rare and hard to come buy, you are going to have the same insane prices regardless. NFT's aren't going to fix that problem, the folks who farmed Diablo 3 for items to sell are going to be the exact same folks that would have done it if the items were NFT's instead. Make drop rates reasonable, keep any kind of transaction fees between players reasonable, that is what would fix the issues with Diablo 3's Market place, to a degree. In all honestly, there are a lot of people who hated the idea even as far back as two that certain items were so difficult to come buy and there were certain people who were desperate enough to pay money for it. This isn't something the majority looked at as a good thing, they saw the people selling them as just as slimey. Most people kind of hate the idea of trading in game items for money regardless, just attaching them to an NFT isn't going to change their minds on the matter.

Even as ownership of something, I don't know how nescessary NFT's are. There was a concept that existed a while back where you would own the cards you played with in this online card game (I forget the name of it). Thing is, you could play those cards in any game set up to use them by anyone. It all used blockchain technology, and even if someone shut down a game another person could create a game using all those same cards. This was all before this NFT stuff. So I still sit here not knowing any actual use for NFT's in relation to gaming.


Perhaps my next post will be more what you are looking for. You did not think this was going to be a one off post did you?


I mean it well could have been. :p

I do want to say there is a chance NFT's are going to have a use in the future. But for anyone not already sold on it, you didn't really say anything that would persuade them.

And what you are up against are people spending thousands of dollars on those god awful apes.

That is a lot of stupid you are having to fight back against. :p
