This little attribute of mine


If you ask around on what people consider to be worth being proud of, you'll get diverse opinions. I won't be surprised if people say gaining admission into a prestigious university, closing a major deal, being able to afford everything they desire, having a first class degree, being a successful entrepreneur… It could be anything. One person's opinion might seem insignificant to another person but it doesn't make it invalid.

When it comes to things we're proud of, it's totally personal. No one can truly understand how we worked hard for that one thing that we are so proud of, what it takes, what we went through. Personally, I have a number of things about myself that I'm so proud of but here's the one thing that I have always done, an attribute that I have that is so rare - a supportive spirit.


I supported a friend in a really tough time. A moment when he was hiding, scared, in a big mess and had no idea what to do. He wasn't the best friend and I was so hurt during that period but today when I look back at everything, I smile at myself.

The thing about life is that life can flip on anyone at any time. You may have a bank account full of money that's enough to take care of you for an entire year, investments that are doing so well but the next hour you could lose it all. If you meet anyone in this situation, the important thing in that moment is not how they didn't check on you. If someone loses an endearing person, what's important in that moment is not the money they owe you. It's how to keep that person alive that is more important. If the person dies, how would you get your money?

This is in no way what happened but I'm trying to paint a picture here. When people are in crises and they already feel like it's the end of life's journey for them, it's important to keep aside everyother thing that's not more important than their situation and offer them the solace they need. If you can't do that, it's fine but do well not to add salt to injury. If you tend to worsen the situation, you'd be surprised at how quickly you'll help a person die.

For a few years I wanted to further my education and I did try everything possible to gain admission. I focused, I studied, I prayed. As a great planner that I am, I started buying things I needed in school with the hope that admission would come but it didn't and I started using up the things I bought. It was 4 years of constant ridicule, comparison, depression and sadness but if you ask my friends, it was 4 years of being a solution to their problems, being a great and supportive friend, celebrating their successes with them.

I didn't shut them out because they had what I didn't, I didn't envy them. I was there when everyone needed me, I didn't lose myself, it was overwhelming but it didn't consume me totally. I always feel like that's why I never get in a situation and not experience a miracle. It takes great courage to be happy for people who have something you don't, to keep going on when everytime you're doing that people are giving you reasons why you shouldn't. It's like a woman who's been married for years without a child attending everyone's baby christening and showing up with a lovely present every time while everyone uses her as an example when talking about infidelity but she stands tall regardless.

My spirit is second to none, I am super proud of myself for being there for others on days I felt extremely low. My reward certainly did come.



That's so fantastic of you. Being supportive to others even when you feel so down is attribute of a unique person.May God keep blessing you and make more ways as you thrive to make others happy. One love


These words mean a lot to me. Thank you so much. ❤️


Indeed... It takes a lot to be available for others, especially when they have something you also need. It can be hard to keep all the negative feelings away, but it is what is best because if care is not taken it will eat up a person from inside.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


The last line is so true. A lot of people have died by killing themselves not because of any major reason anyone could think of but because they let negativities overwhelm them.

Thank you for reading through.


This is real and quite a good spirit
It never easy to support people especially when they have what you long for
Well done champ


Not many could do what you did there.
People go through some tough times and even discus it with their friends but not nothing is said or done about it. This is the world we live in, so the few kind and supportive people we have out there ought to be proud of such a virtue they possess.
You did well and in due season, you were rewarded for all the years you played out human empathy.


Not many could do what you did there.

I know right. I'm glad to be one of the few people with such attribute. Thank you for stopping by.


With effort, dedication and commitment everything can be possible.I liked your post


Yes, you're right. Thank you so much.


This was a beautiful read
It’s so nice to see that irrespective of your personal struggle, you still showed up for your friend in need, it’s rear.

I love your spirit and this has encouraged me to show up for others more and expect that my own reward will come in due time.


That will be a great thing to do. Stay true dear.


Life is full of ups and downs, a moment can change in someone's life, I see you says it all in your piece, this is a great one.
Nicely written.


Did you just write this about me?
Sorry I asked because at some point it was as though you were talking about me. Well, I guess it's because many of us are experiencing somewhat similar situations.

It's not easy to constantly support others when we are experiencing series of challenges, or to rejoice with others when they are rejoicing especially when our time has been delayed for years. Sometimes we try to be strong and to act as though we are bigger than that problem.

We tell ourselves that there is no need for comparison because our time will soon come, but then deep down we are covered in tears. The tears do not come because others are progressing while we are not, but the tears come because we do not know our stand, where we are going or what we are doing. If we had a clearer picture of our own path, maybe things would have been different.

But then, here we are, confused and uncertain of tomorrow. But then we also know that the future is bright for us... but we wish our path was a bit clearer.

This is me!

We will be fine 🥰

You really have a good heart and a strong spirit.

For me, I think right now, I've been so down to the extent that I just have to stay in my world. Its unlike me, and it has really changed me, but I really can't do otherwise. I hope this period will pass really quick... make man no dey too fed up, so that I can go back to my happy self and ever-available friend.

Maybe I won't go back totally, at least it will be better than the me now... I really hate what the Now me has become...

Honestly, I enjoyed your write-up and you write so well. I believe you'll do so well.. Nigeria and Nigerian Uni can fall person hand eeehn, e go kan be like say person no know book... but then God pass them.

Should I comment on that your picture and the lovely smile you want to choke us with???

Lemme better keep kwayet before person wipe my neck with oraimo cord, say I don dey whyne 🤧


Did you just write this about me?
Sorry I asked because at some point it was as though you were talking about me. Well, I guess it's because many of us are experiencing somewhat similar situations.

It's a very relatable thing so I am not surprised that it feels as if I'm speaking to you.

But then, here we are, confused and uncertain of tomorrow. But then we also know that the future is bright for us... but we wish our path was a bit clearer.
This is me!

Faith is one of the most important thing we need to have in order to survive on earth. No one has it all figured out dear. We just learn to take it a step at a time. Plan, pray, work hard and trust the process.

For me, I think right now, I've been so down to the extent that I just have to stay in my world. Its unlike me, and it has really changed me, but I really can't do otherwise. I hope this period will pass really quick... make man no dey too fed up, so that I can go back to my happy self and ever-available friend.

O dear, I'm sending you a warm hug. 🫂 We all go through this sometimes. It comes and it goes. There's a song by Tatiana Manaois titled Yesterday Everyday Always, it talks about loving yourself in every season you experience.

It's okay to take a break from certain things and people too. You could just rest and reflect. I hope you get out of this soonest and I pray you'll feel better when you do.

Maybe I won't go back totally, at least it will be better than the me now... I really hate what the Now me has become...

You'll be fine, just believe.

Should I comment on that your picture and the lovely smile you want to choke us with???

See? You can still be hilarious despite how you're feeling. That's a good sign. 😁 Thank you for your wonderful comment. Have a great Sunday ❤️


See? You can still be hilarious despite how you're feeling. That's a good sign.

This is 20% of the original me, but I believe everything will be alright soon.

Indeed you've spoken so well and faith is necessary to journey in the midst of uncertainty. Faith and hope are two great lights that can guide your path even when it's surrounded by darkness.

Well, the process fit no be small one ooo and it can take time.... but we pray for the Grace to remain steadfast.

Much love from here, and that hug is very much needed, you know 😁


Take care dear. We'll all be fine❤️
