RE: "Women Shouldn't Vote"

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What a well thought out post! I have to agree with most of it for sure. There are significant problems with the emasculation of society’s men and the feminism cults role in making things far less testosterone based and more estrogen.

That’s not to say that we need to go fight wars and shit. War at this point is largely useless as it’s just companies trying to make bets on who can sell the most weapons. There is even debatable aspects to the last 100 years of warfare - for example Volkswagen I believe it was, or maybe GE, but one of the really old companies funded both the nazis as well as the Allies because they would win either way - sell more shit and whoever wins in the end on the battlefield, the company still wins in the bank.

To the point of the post though - we need to get back to a time where strong men were leading, not the cuck men. As I know you really enjoy jordan Peterson - the most dangerous man is the weak one who will weasel his way into the company of women by subversion instead of merit and power.

Sadly it’s a cycle - one that we are hopefully at the bottom arc of. Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create difficult times, difficult times create strong men. I’m hopeful that we are at the bottom of the “create difficult times” piece!

Thanks for dropping such a good post in the community! It’s really sad that nobody has given you a comment yet!


Such good quotes, I frequently live by the "strong men" one because there's so much truth to it 🙏 When we have no purpose, and too much idle time due to all of our needs being met, we became unfulfilled and create problems that aren't there. We take things for granted. This is a universal problem that everybody has contributed to, absolutely. And this is my opinion on women's contribution 😅

I wasn't expecting many interactions because it isn't a popular topic. That, and nowadays it's almost considered sinful to criticize women in any way. But it's a truth that's been bothering me for awhile and just wanted to share! 😄🙂
