Weekly Science And Technology Reports - November 12, 2023



What's up guys, hope we are all feeling bullish ?

I think, therefore I do.

If you are expecting anything more than what I just presented earlier, then sorry, battery low. You can check back after I have recharged, probably in the future reports.

I would like to say......... hold on, are you still paying attention ?

You probably should just skip this phase as there's nothing more than just....... teasing you. 😂

Huge 'blobs' inside Earth are from another planet, study suggests

Where did our moon come from?

For some, it's god. If that were to be so, then it shouldn't be hard to also believe that it was the Greek goddess Theia with the help of her husband Hyperion (a god too), that gave birth to Selene - otherwise known as the goddess of the moon or our moon. 🤭

Hold on a minute, do you think that the name Theia is a f*cking joke ?

There's a leading theory regarding the origin of our moon from an accidental collision between a proto-planet named Theia and our planet during the early stages of our planet's formation. A portion of this proto-planet after the clash is believed to have given birth to our moon but that's not all. Where did the other portions of that proto-planet go ?

You may have guessed right but keep reading to find out more or not embarrass yourself personally. All hail Theia 🙌........looks like she may also be responsible for our existence (living things).

Racehorses Probably Have No Clue They're Even in a Race

Not a fan of horse racing but there are people who enjoy it just like every other sports. However there seems to be a very interesting and possibly a philosophical question which is, are the horses actually aware that they are in a race ?

Some of us may be quick to say yes, after all there's always a winner but..... what if they aren't aware?
If that were to be so, then how and why are there losers and winners after the race is over or close to being over?
This very interesting report/article presents us with an interesting argument of how horse racing is achieved and why horses may be......continue reading. I would like to ask a question and it's, are the riders aware that they are hurting the horses (psychologically) ? 🤭

World's First Entire Eye Transplant Declared a Medical Breakthrough

There are certain times when your organs/tissues could become so damaged that to continue surviving, you may require transplant surgery - replacing the organ/tissue with that of another person's. The most popular kind being kidney, liver and heart transplants. For the eye it's usually the corneae - the outermost layer of the eyeball, that normal gets transplanted but in this report, there seems to be a breakthrough in eye transplantation.......keep reading what this breakthrough is and more.
Unfortunately guys, it appears the dude.......... still can't see. 🤭

Astronauts dropped a tool bag during an ISS spacewalk, and you can see it with binoculars

Most of us are aware that there are objects circling our planet, the moon and the artificial satellites but....... is that really all ?

It appears there's currently a bag (used to contain working tools of astronauts) orbiting our planet. Hold on a minute, how did it get there ?

I believe this report has the answer. Never forget that our mistakes knows no bounds.

I wonder if there are any harmful tools in the bag and I hope our heads are safe. 😱

Earth Was More Attractive to Aliens Back When Dinosaurs Roamed

Some persons think that the current state of Earth would be unattractive to aliens but would have been the opposite (more attractive to them) during the time our planet was ruled by dinosaurs.

why would such persons think so ?

Well, the reason is........keep reading. Wait.......are they saying that dinosaurs were better at managing the planet than we do ?

The World Is Running Out of Data to Feed AI, Experts Warn

Is AI going to take over the world one day?
The answer is we don't know. How about the AI trend declining?
More than less likely. Most of us have been fascinated by the current capabilities of AI's and at some point they were and still stealing headlines . But what most of us don't realise is that those capabilities displayed by AI is short-lived or rather, at some point later we may find out that these AIs aren't what we thought of them to be. To understand what I am pointing at, kindly visit here. Sorry guys, if you fell for the hype - we may be heading back to square one. 🤫

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze



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