Weekly Science And Technology Reports - April 21, 2024



Welcome back guys!!!
How are we preparing for the ultra bullish market ?

Just in case you forgot, bitcoin halving was yester-f*cking-day. Another great time to start loading your bags, so as to not miss the bullish shuttle. We are going beyond the moon, that way, when we fall, we fall on the moon. 😊😊😉

So, can somebody remind me of what we are supposed to do next ? - I think my mind may have lost it's way while trying to navigate the complexity of the mind environment.

😬.....geez, gibberish talk. Sorry, I promise you that wasn't me, it's the other guy. Ignore him and let's continue with the proceedings of today. I hope you enjoy. 😉

Games are the secret to learning math and statistics, says new research

How do you find traditional teachings/lectures in a classroom, especially when the subjects involves math ?

Some of us, if not most find it boring and therefore find it hard grasping the subject but....... could there be a better way?

Well, according to the this report, incorporating "games" into lectures can boost......continue reading. This is quite interesting, I mean, who doesn't love games. 😀

AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report

There seems to be rumours that AIs now perform better than us - their creators, at certain basic tasks that we thought only we could do better. What tasks exactly and how true can this be?

Wish to know?
Alright, let's find out. Is it safe to say we too are better than God in some ways. 😂🤭

In search for alien life, purple may be the new green

When you look at the pictures of our planet, you see a beautiful jewel-like object that is mostly blue and green in color. The blue mostly represents the sky or sometimes the ocean but what about the green?

You may or may not have guessed right but plants is what the green represents, the plants themselves represent "life". So when someone very familiar with our planet looks at it from outside or outer space and sees green, then he/she knows there is life there. However, what about other planets that could possess life in them?

What colour can we use to identify life and is it always green?

Interesting question and the answer may be........keep reading. Wait a minute, could there exist a planet where organisms/plants undergo radiosynthesis - radiowaves to chemical energy? 🤔

How logic alone may prove that time doesn't exist

As silly as it may seem, time is itself paradoxical. Whether it's just a concept or actually a real stuff is still a subject of debate. We inherently have the ability to conceptualise reality, that's how we navigate it. We have this conception that because we can measure time with our clocks implies it's a real stuff, how about a conceptualization that tells you the opposite - that time doesn't exist?

This report presents us with interesting thought experiments that can turn your beliefs about time upside down. Here's my own theory, memory + motion = time. 🙈

A New Study Says We May Be Living in a Variable Universe

Everytime we think we understand the universe and boom 🤯 , a discovery comes to shatter our understanding. So what does the report mean by we may be living in a "variable" universe?

Interesting question and the only way to know is to......not stop reading. Looks like a new era of cosmology is about to be born. 😉

Remarkable Findings – New Research Reveals That the Spinal Cord Can Learn and Memorize

What did you learn in school about your spinal cord ?

That it's some kind of bridge that transmits neural signals between the brain and the sensory organs or body?

While that is true, that's just one of it's other capabilities. It can also learn and memorize without the brain 😳. If you think that's a joke, why not find out for yourself. So, are we now looking at a potentially third brain ? 🤯

Nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking — some ‘rapidly’

🚨Threat alert🚨

Attention everybody, it has come to our notice that some major cities are sinking, although this report focuses on China, it's actually happening in some other parts of the world. It may also be happening where you are currently staying and it isn't very obvious because it's relatively slow but with time it would become very noticeable. Imagine waking up one day to find yourself submerged in water - as the ground sinks, water rises. The big question, what is causing these places to sink and how can we manage it ?

No need to panic folks, for this report got you covered. Or maybe we should just embrace the fact that some of us would become aqua people one day. 👀

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze


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