RE: Guess who has been giving out accurate data on Global Warming?


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Well, that is the biggest lie.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas coz it traps heat and solar radiation in the atmosphere.

Go see the debunking of Bill Nye the science guy's proof about CO2.
so, you see the two globes and the two heat lamps and supposedly the CO2 filled one heats up more.... BUT! if you look carefully, the thing is not shot in one take as is shown. The same thermometer is seen being used in both globes.

The next thing to point out is how Al Gore proved in his movie "An Inconvenient Lie" that CO2 does not effect temperature.

So, he shows the audience two graphs and says, don't they look like they go together? ANY... no EVERY scientist would put them together and see.
And, why didn't he show this? Because when you put them together you see that CO2 is a trailing indicator of temperature. Meaning temperature causes CO2 levels, not the other way around.

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
However, water vapor is.

BTW, there is almost nothing we can do to affect global temperatures.
We are a tick on the back of a dog.

AND! we are at the beginning of an ice age.
Remember Al Gore? He said we don't know why the temperature plunges every time after a steep rise. Well, that is exactly how an ice age starts and works.

It is a cycle. Just like mother earth breathing.

If you are so concerned about the planet and the effect we are having on it, you really need to learn some real science and discard 99% of what the MSM says.
They are trying to sell you a carbon tax.

Maybe the dinosaurs went extinct because they didn't pay for a meteor tax.


In about 250 years the emissions have gone up radically- Earth is doing it all wrong I suppose.
