China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-03-12




Top intel agency says China used TikTok to influence U.S. elections

""TikTok accounts run by a [Chinese] propaganda arm reportedly targeted candidates from both political parties during the U.S. midterm election cycle in 2022."
It warned that China's government may "attempt to influence the U.S. elections in 2024 at some level because of its desire to sideline critics of China and magnify U.S. societal divisions.""

--- No surprise there, but probably gives more fodder for those in the US trying to ban (or force the sale of) TikTok. Unless moron Trump interferes on TikTok's behalf, they don't stand a chance.


Old Wine in a New Bottle: Beijing’s Trumpeting of ‘New Productive Forces’

" Beijing for years has tried to mobilize resources to make China a world leader in cutting-edge technologies and industrial sectors. The drive is now on steroids as Xi prioritizes building up the Chinese economy’s geopolitical resilience over the pace of growth.
Simply put, the top leader can tolerate relatively modest rates of growth in exchange for progress in a few sectors deemed as strategic, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles and artificial intelligence."

--- Geopolitical resilience or an attempt at geopolitical dominance?

"three of the main industries Xi is giving priority to—EVs, lithium-ion batteries and renewable energy—account for only about 3.5% of China’s GDP.
They aren’t nearly big enough to replace China’s property sector, which once accounted for a quarter of the economy before plunging into an unprecedented crisis. They also aren’t big enough to create enough jobs for the millions of college graduates and migrant workers who are now struggling to get by."

--- Good times ahead. But, hey, it's all about power.


China scrambles to prevent another big property developer going bust

"working flat out to prevent China Vanke going the way of Evergrande and Country Garden, which both defaulted on their debts and are at risk of being liquidated.
Chinese state media reported Tuesday that 12 major banks, including the six largest state-owned lenders, were in talks to provide a syndicated loan for Vanke worth as much as 80 billion yuan ($11.2 billion) to enable the company to meet upcoming repayment deadlines."

--- You wonder why - unlike other real estate companies - the CCP might want to help Vanke?

"Currently, 33.4% of Vanke is owned by Shenzhen Metro, which is controlled by the city"

--- Maybe this is the reason.


Intel survived bid to halt millions in sales to China's Huawei, sources say

"U.S. President Joe Biden has long been under pressure to revoke a license, issued by the Trump administration, that allows Intel (INTC.O), opens new tab to ship advanced central processors to Huawei for use in laptops.The push came from Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.O)
, opens new tab, which argued it was unfair that it did not receive a license to sell similar chips to Huawei and from China hawks, who are seeking to stop all sales to the Chinese firm.
Intel's ability to hang on to a license to sell chips while a rival could not obtain similar permission demonstrates the uneven and uncertain terrain companies face as the U.S. seeks to limit Beijing's access to sophisticated American technology, especially to a heavily sanctioned company like Huawei"

--- Looks like Trumpian corruption is alive & well under Biden.



India, China Spar Over Modi Visit to Himalayan State

China pushes ‘Sinicization of Islam’ in Xinjiang as Ramadan arrives



--- China Unscripted: "Why Democracy Didn’t Win - Jim Fanell"


--- WSJ: "Military Strategist Shows How China Would Likely Invade Taiwan" (War games, & nothing more than that.)



Trotz Appell an Europa: USA selbst senden weiterhin Chips nach China

"Die Erlaubnis aus dem Jahr 2020 war noch durch die damalige Trump-Regierung erteilt worden. Wohl um politische Spannungen nach dem Abschuss eines chinesischen Spionageballons über den USA im Jahr 2023 abzubauen, wurde diese Befugnis bis heute aufrechterhalten.
Im Zeitraum seit der Erteilung der Sondererlaubnis konnte Intel laut der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters den Anteil der eigenen Chips in Huawei-Notebooks von 52,9 Prozent auf unglaubliche 90,7 Prozent steigern. Auf diesem Weg erzielte der amerikanische Konzern zusätzliche Einnahmen von mehreren 100 Millionen Dollar. Warum jedoch nur Intel und nicht auch andere US-Chiphersteller wie AMD eine solche Erlaubnis erhielten, ist nicht klar."

--- Dürfte wohl eher nicht reiner Protektionismus sein. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, daß es Trumpsche Korruption war, die auch unter Biden weiterging.



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