China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-03-09/10




China Is in Distress—and Xi Jinping May Be on His Way Out

"The aggression is just the latest sign of regime disunity. For example, many expected that Xi Jinping ally Liu Jianchao was going to be installed as the new foreign minister by now, and some think that the failure to announce this and other key personnel appointments at the NPC suggests that infighting has been intense and that Xi has not been able to get his way.
[...] Observers have made the case there is now no-holds-barred infighting at the most senior reaches of the Communist Party. Others see Xi Jinping tightening his grip. Yet whether Xi is firmly in charge or on the way out, China and its regime are in distress."

--- Meh. There may be more infighting than expected, but that doesn't mean that the regime is in 'distress'. Emperor Xi has his people almost everywhere in decisive positions. If there is a real power struggle, it is quite likely that he will simply purge more of his opponents.
Mind you, the author of that article - Gordon Chang - has been speaking about the 'coming collapse of China' for over 2 decades now. So, take it with a grain of salt.


Xi Sticks to His Vision for China’s Rise Even as Growth Slows

"The last time that China was caught in such a painful confluence was after the June 4, 1989, crackdown on pro-democracy protesters. The bloodshed prompted Western countries to impose sanctions on China, which deepened the economic shock. Within several years, however, Deng Xiaoping, then China’s leader, sought to repair relations with Washington and other capitals and unleashed market changes that revived growth and lured back Western investors.
Now, though, China faces much more entrenched antagonism from other major powers"

--- Or, you could say, it took Western leaders more than 30 years to realize that the Tiananmen Massacre was not an aberration, but a feature of the regime.

"“U.S. foreign intervention cannot handle everything it is trying to juggle,” Chen Xiangyang, a researcher at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing, which is under the state security ministry, wrote last year. “China can exploit the contradictions and leverage them to its own advantage.”"

--- Yeah, we know what we can expect. (Well, 'we'..., some - like German chancellor Scholz - just don't want to know.)


Tibet boarding schools: China accused of trying to silence language

"China has expanded the use of boarding schools - for children as young as four - and replaced Tibetan as the main language of tuition with Chinese.
[...]Over recent years, the Chinese government has closed village schools - and private ones teaching Tibetan - and expanded the use of boarding schools.
These have been in operation for many decades in a number of Chinese regions that are thinly populated - but in Tibetan areas, they appear to have become the main means of education.
Campaigners estimate that 80% of Tibetan children - perhaps one million pupils - are now taught in boarding schools, from pre-school-age onwards."

--- Colonialism is very alive.
s.a.: Exiled Tibetans guard heritage from 'cultural genocide'


Behind the doors of a Chinese hacking company, a sordid culture fueled by influence, alcohol and sex

"Under Xi, the person added, the growing role of the state in China’s technology industry has emphasized ideology over competence, impeded pay and made access to officials pivotal.
A major issue, people say, is that most Chinese officials lack the technical literacy to verify contractor claims. So hacking companies prioritize currying favor over delivering excellence."

--- Welcome to the PRC. This is how the system always has worked, but under emperor Xi it is worse than before.



Tibetan uprising commemoration

China tightens grip over internet during Two Sessions meetings

China miffed as India deploys more troops on Tibet border



--- China Uncensored: "High-Ranking Communist Officials Are Disappearing"



Ampelpolitiker für harte Linie gegen Huawei

"Nach der Taurus-Abhöraffäre fordern führende Ampelpolitiker und die Union ein entschlossenes Vorgehen gegen Huawei-Technik im neuesten Mobilfunkstandard 5G."

--- Gähn. Fordern diverse Politiker schon lange, aber solange der Kanzler sich querstellt, wird nicht viel passieren.


China wappnet sich für einen Kalten Krieg mit den USA

"Das chinesische Scheinparlament und die Regierung werden so stark von der Kommunistischen Partei gelenkt wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr."

--- Hirnrissiger Satz. Parlament & Regierung der VRC waren immer schon KPCh-gelenkt. Der Unterschied ist die Alleinherrschaft Kaiser Xis.

"Einzelheiten bleiben im Dunkeln, und ob das Konzept funktioniert und Chinas Provinzen überhaupt wie gewünscht mitmachen, ist ebenfalls nicht gesagt. Klar ist nur, dass Xis Industriepolitik kaum Arbeitsplätze schafft und sich die Wirtschaftskrise erst einmal fortsetzen dürfte."

--- So sieht es aus.



Tibeter erinnern an Volksaufstand gegen China vor 65 Jahren


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