China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-03-16/17




China's economic plans make a trade war likely whether Biden or Trump wins the presidency

"To unload its additional supply, Shearing says China will have to look beyond its own markets, as domestic consumption has slumped excessively in the country. That puts more pressure on foreign buyers, but especially the US and Europe.
He says that given that China now makes up 15% of global manufacturing exports, it cannot rely on smaller nations to absorb all of its output, putting pressure on the West.
"China's exporters are probably more reliant now on US consumers than they were when the trade war began during Donald Trump's first term," Shearing wrote.
This will deepen the US's trade deficit with China for years to come, something any president will likely want to avoid. Miller estimated that a trade war could start as soon as next year."

--- Or maybe already this year...
Speaking of trade wars, it's not just Europe & the US waking up:


Brazil launches China anti-dumping probes after imports soar

"Brazil’s industry ministry has launched a number of investigations into the alleged dumping of industrial products by China as Latin America’s largest economy reels from a wave of cheap imported goods.
At the request of industry bodies, the ministry has in the past six months opened at least half a dozen probes on products ranging from metal sheets and pre-painted steel to chemicals and tyres.
[...] Soaring steel imports are a particular sore spot for the Brazilian government as the Latin American nation is one of the world’s largest exporters of iron ore — a primary ingredient in steel production.
Chemicals and tyres are also points of contention, with the industry ministry launching separate investigations in recent months. According to official data, imports from China of the chemical phthalic anhydride rose more than 2,000 per cent in volume terms between July 2018 and June 2023. In the same period, imports of tyres grew more than 100 per cent to 47mn units from 23mn units, with roughly 80 per cent coming from China."

--- Even lefty Lula has to act. He has to tread carefully, though, because Brazil also exports a lot to China.

"In Thailand, the government has accused Chinese companies of evading anti-dumping duties, while industry groups have warned of big losses from cheaper steel in the market.
Vietnam’s government has launched investigations into dumping of wind towers and some steel products from China after complaints from the local industries."

--- China against the world?


China’s Teapot Oil Refiners Slash Output as Industrial Demand for Fuel Fizzles

"“Downstream demand for diesel, from mining to infrastructure, is seriously lagging expectations,” Zhang Xiao, an analyst at Mysteel OilChem, said at a briefing on Tuesday. Consumption from the logistics sector is the one exception"

--- China's economy is obviously buzzing.



China outlaws place names that fail to conform to its territorial claims

Large South Korean Companies Withdrawing from China

Chinese-owned TikTok faces national security review in Canada, minister says



--- China Uncensored: "Chinese Women Are Staying Single. And The CCP Doesn't Like It"


--- ABC News (AUS): "Coalition steps up calls to ban TikTok over links to China"



Machtspiele im Indischen Ozean

"Nachdem das Kabinett, dem Muizzu angehörte, 2018 abgewählt wurde - nicht zuletzt aufgrund von Korruptionsvorwürfen -, versuchte die Nachfolgeregierung einen Kurswechsel weg von China, hin zum indischen Nachbarn. Dessen Festland liegt nur 2.000 Kilometer entfernt (China hingegen 5.000 Kilometer) und die diplomatischen Kontakte sind traditionell viel intensiver.
Nunmehr profilierte sich Indien als Kreditgeber - und als Infrastrukturförderer. Im indischen Auftrag entsteht derzeit eine Brücke, die Male gleich mit drei Nachbarinseln verbinden soll, Gesamtlänge fast sieben Kilometer. Auch die Touristenströme von Indien schwollen an. In den letzten drei Jahren kamen die meisten ausländischen Besucher der Malediven aus Indien. Und nun alles wieder zurück?
Tatsächlich sieht es so aus. Mohammed Muizzu kandidierte als Präsident und setzte im Wahlkampf auf eine "Indien Raus"-Kampagne. Das war einerseits eine Retourkutsche für die Unterstützung der Vorgängerregierung durch Indien."

--- & bei der nächsten Wahl wird er vermutlich wieder abgewählt, woraufhin China plötzlich wieder durch Indien abgelöst wird.
Man kann aber natürlich nicht ausschließen, daß Muizzu den Salomonen nacheifert & versucht, sich als Diktator zu etablieren.



Putins Machtspiele: Russland wendet sich Asien zu



--- auslandsjournal: "China in der Wirtschaftskrise: Staatsregierung unter Druck"


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